Our Actions Define Us

For those who’ve read posts from in the past, it is probably clear that we tend to stay focused on talking about our travel experiences, food, and sharing some of our photography, not on current events or politics. With that said, we felt compelled to say at least something about the horrific and brutal attack in Nice, France, and our thoughts about travel in these uncertain times.  First of all, our thoughts and prayers go out to all of the people and families affected by this senseless violence as well as the other recent tragedies.  We’re not going to talk about the political and social causes that drive people to do such unimaginable acts because we don’t consider ourselves experts on those subjects, although we do have some pretty strong opinions on the subject.

Eiffel Tower at Sunset
Paris Neighborhood
Notre Dame

What we’d like to talk about is staying strong in the face of such uneasiness and uncertainty.  Terror is about trying to cause paralysis and inaction due to fear.  If we stop travelling, stop going to events with large crowds, visiting places considered to be “soft targets”, we give in to terror.  Unfortunately in this day and age, terror can happen anyplace.  France has certainly seen more than its fair share of violence perpetrated by terrorists.  Would we travel to France right now?  Absolutely and we hope to very soon.  There are things that are beyond our control, but what we can control is our desire to not let evil deeds such as last night’s attack keep us from continuing to live our lives as fully and optimistically as we always have.

Eiffel Tower
Palace at Versailles
Arc du Carroussel

Eventually, the good in people will win out in the end, but clearly there are going to be many more dark days ahead.  In light of that, we will do our best to move forward resolutely determined not to let violence deter us.  Will we be more aware of our surroundings, watchful of potential threats?  Of course, but that is just common sense.  So, today we reflect on the events in France with a strong commitment to not let them change the way that we live our lives.  We believe that most people have very similar feelings and in that way we let our actions tell the terrorists that no amount of violence will change the world into the world that they are trying to create.  In fact, the complete opposite is occurring and they are uniting the world against them instead of causing us to run in fear of them.

One More Eiffel Tower Photo