Latest Blog Posts

  • Our First Stunning Baltimore Sunset

    We always enjoy seeing sunsets and since we have some wonderful views from our new place, we enjoyed watching the sun go down from our rooftop deck. Sunsets near water are almost always very vibrant due to the humidity in the air and this one was no different. We will certainly have the opportunity to… Read more

  • Hiking to the Citadella in Budapest, Hungary

    The Citadella is a fortress that sits on top of Gellért Hill on the Buda side of the Danube River. The Liberty Statue that is located next to the citadel can be seen from throughout the downtown area of Pest. The bronze statue features a woman raising a palm leaf toward the sky and, although… Read more

  • The Fascinating Statues at Buddha Park in Laos

    We saw many wonderful and fascinating places when we took a few days trip to Laos during our time in Vietnam and Buddha Park was certainly one of the highlights. Located near Vientiane is a park that is filled with sculptures representing Buddhist and Hindu images. Built in 1958, the park is a popular tourist… Read more

  • Walking the Historic Old Town in Lima, Peru

    Old town in Lima, also referred to as the Historical Center, is probably most known for its colorful colonial buildings with their fascinating balconies, but there is certainly much more to see than just the architecture. To make the most of your time in the downtown area and we would suggest starting out at the… Read more

  • 5 Travel Destinations for Self-Care Seekers

    Today we are featuring a guest post from Healthy Fit who offer workout routines and fitness advise that can be used in your everyday life or when you are traveling. The meaning of self-care varies slightly depending on who you ask, but for those of us who love to travel, there’s no better way to… Read more

  • Top of the World in Baltimore, Maryland

    As we continue to get acquainted with our new location and finish the process of moving in, we decided to take some time this weekend to be tourists in our new city. One of the things that we did was to go to the observation deck of the World Trade Center near Inner Harbor that… Read more