Seeing the Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace

Seeing the changing of the Queen’s Guards at Buckingham Palace is truly a memorable experience. The iconic ceremony draws hundreds of people to see the not only the guards, but the marching band that marches its way around the Victoria Memorial to the entrance of the palace. Buckingham Palace serves as the residency of the Royal Family as well as the administrative headquarters of the monarch.

Watching the Marching Band
Ornate Gates of the Palace
Guards Marching in the Courtyard
Buckingham Palace

Although the ceremony has been put on hold due to the number of people that it draws to the location, when it resumes it is well worth taking the time to see if you are in London. We were fortunate enough to have a mostly sunny day to watch the guards march in front of the palace entrances. Even if you don’t make it to the changing of the guard, simply seeing the palace is worth the visit. If you do go to the changing of the guards, be sure to go early if you want to get a good view as people line up early to see the ceremony.

A Sense of the Crowds
The Band Approaching
Victoria Memorial with Crowds Below
The Unicorn on the Gate
The Palace After the Crowds Disperse

The Royal Palace (Buda Castle) in Budapest, Hungary

On our first full day in Budapest, we crossed the Chain Bridge and took the funicular (which is a type of railway that goes up the side of a mountain) to the top of the hill in order to walk around the Castle District. The Royal Palace, also referred to as Buda Castle, is certainly one of the most dominant features in Budapest. Whether during the day or at night, when it is lit up, the palace can be seen from almost everyplace in Pest. There are definitely many wonderful things to see within the Castle District, but the Royal Palace is the most important site to visit. As we’ve mentioned before, Budapest is really two cities, Buda and Pest, that were combined when the first permanent bridge was created, so Buda Castle is the main site to visit on the Buda side of the river.

The Royal Palace Dome

View of the Royal Palace from the Citadel

Archway to the Main Courtyard

Fountain Depicting Hunters

Unlike a lot of other palaces, the inside of the Royal Palace is not a representation of what life would have been like hundreds of years ago when the aristocrats lived there that can be toured. Instead it houses both the National Gallery and the Budapest History Museum as well as the Hungarian National Library. One of the most interesting features of the Royal Palace is the fountain depicting a hunting scene that is in the main courtyard. Like many palaces, the Royal Palace is really a complex of buildings with the main residence being the main focal point. This makes for an interesting mix of architectural styles as you walk amongst the complex.

Royal Palace from the Danube River Cruise

Royal Crest

Statue on the Palace Grounds

Another View of the Palace

We decided to take the stairs along the castle wall back down to the river, which gave us wonderful views of the city. No surprisingly considering the size of the Royal Palace, many of our photographs of the palace were actually taken from across the Danube River, the top of St. Stephen’s Basilica, and even from the Citadel, which is also on the Buda side of the river. Seeing the Royal Palace lit up at night with its reflection in the water is probably one of the most iconic images of the castle and is even the main picture on the castle’s website. It is pretty much impossible not to see the Royal Palace during a visit to Budapest, but it is certainly worth taking the time to go to the Castle District and walking around the grounds.

Palace Viewed from Across the River

Looking Down the Funicular

View of the Parliament Building from the Palace

Building in the Castle Complex

Stairs We Climbed Down