Visiting the Famous Exorcist Steps and House in Georgetown, Washington DC

We spent last week going to several places including Georgetown, which is an area in Washington DC where the Georgetown University is located. In addition to the university, there are lots of restaurants, pubs, and shops, but there it is also the location where the movie Exorcist was filmed. One of the famous scenes from the movie was when the priest was thrown from the window of the house onto the steps next to the house. The steps are located directly across from the Scott Francis Key Bridge (commonly referred to as the Key Bridge) and in most ways it isn’t very remarkable.

Looking Down the Stairs
Exorcist House
Climbing the Stairs

The steps themselves were built in 1895 and they are next to a building called the Car Barn, which was an old trolley-car storage building. The steps lead from M street up to the house where the movie was filmed and is only a few blocks from Georgetown University. We found it interesting that the Exorcist House is an actual residence with people living there today (we would find that spooky). It is in a very historic area and the architecture in the area very interesting, even if you aren’t a fan of the movie. Today you will find many people, like ourselves, taking photos of the stairs or of themselves on the stairs.

Students Relaxing Under a Tree in Nearby Georgetown University
View from the Bottom of the Stairs
Entrance to the Exorcist House

Do You Ever Watch Movies to Prepare for a Trip?

As we’ve been planning and looking forward to our upcoming trip to Kenya and Tanzania, one of the things we have done is watch a couple of movies that are set in the region. Not documentaries, but actual movies such as Out of Africa or even The Ghost in the Darkness. We don’t necessarily watch them to learn about anything particular, but more to just look forward to the upcoming trip. Obviously, depending on the film, you can end up learning about the culture or history of the country that you are about to visit. Needless to say, we don’t expect our trip to end up being like what is depicted in the movies and sometimes you find out that the director and cinematographer haven’t taken creative license by filming in locations other than the actual place that is supposed to be depicted.

The Giza Plateau in Egypt
Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador

Prior to traveling to Egypt and taking our Nile River cruise, we actually watched the mystery movie Death on the Nile. There are plenty of other movies about Egypt as well, but that was the one that came to our mind at the time. Prior to going to the Amazon Rainforest, watching the movie Medicine Man provides an interesting perspective and just traveling through various parts of South America prompted us to watch Dragonfly. Although we didn’t watch any movies prior to our time spent in Tuscany, there are obviously a plethora of choices of movies to watch to get you in the mood to visit that wonderful region of Italy.

View from Piazzale de Michelangelo in Florence
Poisonous Frog in the Amazon

There certainly isn’t any tremendous benefit to watching movies prior to visiting a location, but we find it a way to relax prior to a trip while getting ourselves excited about the upcoming adventure. It could be that watching movies throughout our lives has given us inspiration to travel, so perhaps that is what drives us to revisit some of them when the time comes for us to finally visit that location. Perhaps we’re unique in watching movies or shows located in our intended destination, but maybe some of you do the same thing as us.

Sweet Memories

We are firm believers that if you stay young at heart, you will have a happier life in general. We try to stay energetic and push our boundaries wherever possible. We also try to view the places that we visit with same sense of awe and wonder of a child. One our favorite memories was of our 20th wedding anniversary when we went to Disney World without any children. It was an opportunity for us to really let our inner children out and have that sense that anything is possible. We went on many different rides and went to the various theme parks, thoroughly enjoying each of them. One of the ones that was especially enjoyable was Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park where memorable scenes from movies come to life before your very eyes. One movie that is definitely part of our childhoods is the Wizard of Oz and when we were in London several years ago, we even went to see a performance of Wicked in the West End Theatre District. So, when were in Disney World and saw scenes from the Wizard of Oz, it brought back wonderful memories from our childhood. It isn’t easy to take photos from a moving ride, but for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge of Sweet, we have chosen a few pictures that we took from that section of the ride. There were many other memorable sights during that ride, but these brought back a wonderful range of emotions.


Wicked Witch

Animated Characters

Follow the Yellow Brick Road