Latest Blog Posts

  • Time Travel is Possible

    Every now and then, you are able to go to a tourist location and visit it without any other people around you. On those rare occasions when you aren’t surrounded by a hundred people taking selfies in front of what you’ve come to see, it can be a truly memorable moment. It really gives you… Read more

  • Riquewihr and the Wine Road in Alsace, France

    During our visit to Strasbourg in the Alsace region of France, we did a day tour on the wine road. The highlight of the tour was visiting the old, walled town of Riquewihr with its historic charm. From what we understand, it is busy all year round, but is extremely busy during the summer and… Read more

  • The Alhambra in Granada, Spain

    We really enjoyed traveling around Southern Spain and one of the highlights of our trip was staying a couple of days in Granada and visiting the Alhambra fortress and palace. Before traveling to Spain, we weren’t aware of how much of influence the Moors had on the region. The Alhambra is a magnificent example of… Read more

  • What Matters at the End of the Day

    Like everyone else, we truly enjoy traveling and getting to see so many fascinating places. It is what drives us to discover different countries and cities that we might have never visited. But why take the time to write about our trips? Lets face it, blogging is hard work, so why commit to it the… Read more

  • An Overwhelming, Emotional Experience

    When we visited New York City in July of 2015, we went to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Walking through the exhibit was almost surreal. Despite the number of people, it was so quiet that you literally could have heard a pin drop as people walked to each of the displays. The museum is set… Read more

  • Chicago-Style Hot Dogs

    We love visiting Chicago, it is one of our favorite cities in the United States. For a bigger city, people are friendly and it is easy to get around, at least the downtown loop area. Obviously, there are parts of Chicago that should be avoided and there is plenty of news about the violence in… Read more