Early Morning Game Viewing Drive Before Arriving in Nairobi

We started our day with a very early rise to see some wildlife. The hope was to see the elusive rhinos up close and personal. We were not disappointed as we saw both white and black rhinos that were almost close enough to touch. We are enjoying a relaxing evening in Nairobi before doing a city tour in the morning. Every day has been unique and amazing for many reasons. With only a couple of days left on the trip, we are going to try to make the most of every minute.

White Rhinos
Giraffe and Zebras at Lake Nakuru
Black Rhinos
King of the Hill

Day Three of Our Safari Adventure – Ngorongoro Crater

Every day has been a little bit different and today was no exception. We spent the day driving through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. It is a spectacular place that we will describe in detail when we return home. The highlight of the day was seeing a black rhino. They are very rare and it was a treat to get the opportunity to watch it’s strength and beauty. It was a cool and cloudy day, but that didn’t diminish the experience.

Rare Black Rhino
Zebras on the Plains
Hippos in a Lake
The Fourth Time We’ve Seen Lions in Three Days