Framing the View of Your World

Whenever we travel, there are often times where you see something through a window or a door and you want to capture what you see in a photograph. In many of those cases, the window or door become part of the photograph and it can add to the story the image is trying to tell. Even if it isn’t an actual window or door other things can frame the image that you are looking at. Here are just a few examples that we have found interesting.

Looking out from the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain
Barred Window Inside of the Cave Where St. Thomas Hid in Chennai, India
Looking Out from a Felucca in Cairo, Egypt
Bell Window at the Top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Shape of Africa in Reverse from Within the Cave of Hercules in Morocco
Columns in the Roman Agora of Athens, Greece
A View from inside a Fortress Church in Romania
View of One of the Towers at Alhambra
Inside of a House in the DakshinaChitra Cultural Living Museum in Southern India
Looking Out From Bran Castle (Dracula Castle) in Transylvania
Another Window in Spain

Artisan and Craft Market in the Beautiful Parque El Ejido in Quito, Ecuador

In order to walk to the old town quarter of Quito in Ecuador from our hotel, we had to walk through Parque El Ejido. It is a lovely park that has a nice artisan and craft market as well as plenty of open space. Located right in the city, it can be quite busy at times as families gather to have a picnic or play a game of soccer. There is also an interesting arch located in the park, simply called Arco de El Ejido with a statue of two men battling one another.

Arco de El Ejido
Unique Statue at the Park
Colorful Artwork for Sale in the Park
Open Green Spaces Away from the Crowds

We love finding markets where we can buy local arts and crafts whenever we travel to places. We typically try to bring something home with us to remember our trip, especially if it is something that we can display. While we were in Quito, we found a local artist in the market that sold watercolor paintings and we couldn’t resist buying an original piece of art. Whether you want jewelry, clothing, or art, there are an abundance of options.

Our Painting of Quito, Ecuador
Walking Amongst the Stalls
Crowds Amongst the Artwork
Walking Through the Park and Shade Trees

Even if you aren’t interested in the market, just enjoying the shade of the trees, the open grassy areas, or even getting something sweet from a food vendor makes visiting the park worthwhile. Since we walked through the park both ways to and from our hotel in Quito, we had plenty of time to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. We have been to many wonderful parks during our travels, but this one is truly one of our favorites.

Looking Through the Arch at the Statue
Leisurely Stroll Through the Park’s Vendors
More Artwork for Sale
Large Park with Room to Escape the Busy Market Area

History on the Walls of European Restaurants

One of the things that we enjoy when going to restaurants during our travels is to see artwork depicting the city as it looked back in time. In addition to historic pictures, we also like seeing vintage signs or paintings that are specific to the area. We find that having a relaxing meal while looking at these unique pieces of art that take you back in time is quite fascinating. We have visited restaurants in many different countries that adorn their walls with this kind of artwork, but we especially enjoyed the ones that we saw in Europe. We even took the time to take photographs of the walls while we were at the restaurants because we found them so interesting. The photographs don’t always turn out the best, but they are mostly for our own enjoyment.

Sitting in the Booth of One of Our Favorite Pubs in Frankfurt
Brazen Head Pub – The Oldest Pub in Dublin, Ireland
Signs on the Ceiling of a Restaurant in Hochheim, Germany
Painting of Einstein in a Restaurant in Koblenz
Historic Photographs on the Walls of a Restaurant in Florence, Italy
Painting of Alsace Women in Strasbourg, France
Vintage Sign in Germany
Brewery in Cologne
Pictures on the Walls in Vienna, Austria