We love holidays, especially those where we can decorate the house, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we enjoy Halloween. It seems to have gotten a bad wrap over the past few years and there have even been calls to ban, which makes no sense to us. Perhaps because everyone has been trapped inside for the past seven months, but we’ve noticed many more people decorating for Halloween this year. We have no idea if anyone will allow their children to go door to door to get candy, but if nothing else at least it feels festive.

When we moved to Germany a few years ago, we were surprised to find that there were little to no Halloween decorations. In fact, the only one we found to put in our apartment in Frankfurt was a little orange pumpkin with some flowers in them. There was one restaurant that was pretty well decked out and had a special party for the occasion, but that was all that we saw. We know it isn’t as popular in Europe as it in the United States, but considering the traditions started there and were brought to the States, it was a little surprising.

Because we usually take a big trip in November, we don’t often travel over Halloween, but a couple of years ago we went to Carlsbad, California. It was fun seeing how the town embraced decorating and there were plenty of Halloween items on display. Even when we took our wine tasting tour in Temecula, we found some of them had decorated for the season. Regardless of what you think of the holiday, we think it is a fun time to divert ourselves from the typical day to day chores.