Going With the Flow

We have mentioned previously that we don’t always spend a ton of time planning for a trip and there are other times that we do. We had been going back and forth on where to go for our first big trip of the year and we couldn’t seem to make up our minds. Our initial plan was to go to Vietnam and Cambodia since we wanted to get into Asia, but the airline tickets were more than we were hoping to spend. Then we looked at going back to England as we could get a non-stop flight to London at a relatively reasonable price, but we were hoping to go someplace other than Europe, so we decided not to go there. We had also been tossing around the idea of going to Egypt and then 10 days ago we went ahead and booked our airline tickets. We then researched and found a tour company that had a good reputation and we just finalized our tour itinerary yesterday. In conjunction with that, we also booked our hotel stays and the tour company is taking care of reservations for our Nile River Cruise and flights from Cairo to Luxor and Aswan back to Cairo. Since we leave for Egypt in a little over two weeks from today, that means that it will be four weeks from the time that we decided on our trip until the day we leave for Egypt. Fortunately, we are getting e-Visas, so that wasn’t an issue as well and we could have gotten a tourist visa when we arrived at the airport, but we didn’t want to leave it to chance. Now we just have a few items to buy for our time in the desert heat and then we can relax and just look forward to our trip.

Waterfall in Coroico, Bolivia
Hidden Falls in Colorado
Waterfall on Death Road

For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Free and Easy, we are sharing some photos of waterfalls. How comfortable would you be planning a trip to a foreign country that you have never visited before in less than four weeks from initiation to departure?

Majestic Falls in Yellowstone
Coroico Waterfall
Waterfall in the Amazon
Waterfall on a Trail in Colorado


Frozen Gullfoss Waterfall

In the past few weeks, we have met several friends who were about to head to Iceland or had just returned. This is a wonderful time of year to visit since it is before the majority of the crowds arrive, the ground is starting to thaw, and there is still a good opportunity to see the Northern Lights. We went during February of 2016 and it was definitely cold, so much so that the famous Gullfoss Waterfall was still mostly frozen and yet strangely beautiful. It is one of the major attractions on the Golden Circle, a route that takes you to many of the natural wonders the island nation has to offer. Although we weren’t fortunate enough to see the Northern Lights, we did enjoy every minute of our brief trip to Iceland. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Winter – Water, we couldn’t help but think of standing before the falls, ice-cold water spray freezing on our faces, and looking in awe at the beauty of nature. We are sure it is spectacular during the summer months as well, but we will always treasure seeing it in the harshest of seasons, winter.

Making a Path Through the Ice
Grand View
Freezing as it Falls
Impressive Waterfall
Don’t Fall In
Fascinating to Watch
We Were Frozen Too


Our Last Day in South America

We start our two-day travel to return home from South America very early tomorrow morning, but we’ve got one last day to enjoy La Paz and eat some more Bolivian food (although it is pretty heavy). We survived our trip down “Death Road” yesterday on our way to see some beautiful waterfalls in the town of Coroico. It was a very interesting trip as we went from 4,800 meters (15,750 feet) down to 1,000 meters (3,275 feet) on a very narrow road in just a couple of hours. We were shrouded in clouds as the cold air of the mountains trapped the moist air of the jungle, making it very eerie. We’ll do a post with full details from our trip, but here are a couple of pictures as we head out the door to do some final exploring.

Looking Down at the Road Ahead
Straight Down from the Passenger Window to the Clouds Below
Our Van on a Wide Part of the Road
One of the Many Waterfalls on the Road that We Crossed