Making Sense of a Complex World

Since the beginning of mankind, we have all struggled to make sense of the world around us. It is in our human nature to try and make order out of the chaos that is our world. It is as true today as it was during the dawn of time, although the source of the chaos might be different. In the beginning, it was the struggle to make sense of the natural world, such as the rotation of the heavens and the changing of the seasons. Today’s world is as complex and seemingly uncontrollable as at any time during our history, but that doesn’t stop our rational minds from trying to preserve a sense of normalcy in our daily lives. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is about Order. From the ancient Pueblo people who created Mesa Verde here in western United States, to the ancestors of the Incas in South America, to the middle ages of Europe, there are plenty of examples of people trying to make sense of and create order out of our complex and ever changing world.

Ancient Pueblo Petroglyph
Kiva with Hole at the Center

The ancient Pueblo people built kivas and painted stories of their creation as they believed that they came from the center of the earth. They held rituals and celebrated around a ceremonial hole in the kiva that symbolized their access to the world of their ancestors.

The Astronomical Clock
Complex Movements

In the middle ages, we were able to create more sophisticated devices to measure time and understand the movements of the heavens. The astronomical clock in Prague is an excellent example of man trying to gain control and predictability over their natural world.

Standing on an Astronomical Observatory in Incallajta
Calendar at Tiwanaku

Long before there were clocks and timepieces, the ancient people of South America had been observing the movements of the starts and had created calendars that predicted the seasons and the days of the year.

Where Does All of the Time Go?

Days, weeks, months, years; the all seem to be flying by these days. One of our favorite quotes is, “life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes”. Funny, but also too true. We’ve been extremely busy lately, which seems to make time go by even faster. This is our first attempt at Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge and this week’s challenge is Locks and Clocks. We like black and white photography, it can sometimes be even more striking than a color photograph. Admittedly, we consider ourselves amateur photographers at best, but it has been fun to take some of these challenges from time to time (pun intended). This particular photo is of the Clock Tower Building in Manhattan.

Clock Tower Building in Manhattan, New York

Daily Post Photo Challenge – Numbers

Oddly enough, we don’t take a lot of photos while we’re travelling that contain numbers. The one exception to that seems to be clock towers, whether on churches or government buildings, there are several of those to choose from.  For this week’s challenge, numbers, we found this picture from one of the bedrooms in Versailles that had an ornate clock on the mantelpiece.  It captures the ornate detail of the opulent rooms, although we’re not sure if the clock actually works.

Bedroom at Versailles with Ornate Clock