Traveling to New Places is Addictive

There are many reasons to travel from understanding different cultures, learning about history, seeing the natural beauty of the world, to many more. One of the more selfish reasons for traveling and going to new places around the world is that it just makes you feel good. Once you get over the stress of travel itself and actually are spending time in a new location, there is a sense of awe and enjoyment that can’t help but make you smile. When you smile, your body releases endorphins that make you feel good, which is why travel can become so addictive. In the same way that an adrenaline junky can’t get enough travel because of the endorphins that get released when doing risky activities, the same things occur to people who truly enjoy traveling.

At the Colosseum in Rome
Afternoon in Prague
At a Volcano in Ecuador
Plaza in Old Town Strasbourg

When we look back at photographs of ourselves from our travels, there is no doubting as to whether it makes us happy. We usually have broad smiles on our faces and a general look of contentment. There is no doubt that we have conditioned ourselves to traveling and most definitely have the travel bug. Oddly enough, when we look at our selfies, which we don’t always take, it is almost as if we have the exact same poses and faces in every single one of them. Because we travel over the winter quite frequently, we also have the same coats and scarves on in many of them as well. Do you look the same in your travel photos or do you do random poses?

Sunny Day at the Acropolis in Athens
Cold Day in Iceland
On a Bridge in Nuremberg
The Canals of Amsterdam


Us Against the World

Do you ever feel like everything in the world is conspiring against you? There are definitely times when we feel like no one else really understands what we are trying to do or why we are trying to do it. Why do we take the time to write posts almost every day, why do we travel to far away places instead of traveling to see family, why do we spend so much energy working on something that doesn’t make much money? These are all questions that we get asked by friends and family. As if writing a travel blog is a hobby that we do in our spare time as opposed to something that can be more significant than that. We are generally positive people, so we do our best to push some of the negative commentary out of our minds. At the end of the day, we know that are not alone and that there is a community of like-minded people for us to connect with. Do you ever feel the same way, do people question why you do what you do at times?

Lone Tree on an Island in Bolivia
Lone Statue in Romania
Sad Monkey in Gibraltar
Isolated Cabin in Iceland


Don’t Let the Weather Get You Down

When you have spent so much time and money planning a trip, it is always disappointing when the weather doesn’t cooperate and it either rains or snows so that you can’t see how truly beautiful a place is. Everyone wants those travel photos with the clear blue skies and the sun shining brightly on the statues and buildings. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has a mind of her own. We always try to check out the weather trends for a location before we go so that we know when it might be a rainy season and then try to avoid those times. Even so, it is important to make sure that you try to be as flexible as possible and plan some indoor activities such as museums or tours of a palace. During our time in Germany, we had many rainy weekends, so in the end, we just made the most of the time that we had and decided not to complain about something that we couldn’t control. In some ways, photos of a rainy day can be more interesting than those on a sunny day. These are some pictures of our trip to Paris when it rained almost the entire time, but thankfully it wasn’t our first trip to that wonderful city.

Walking in the Rain
Car Lights Reflecting on the Street
Wet Cars and the Arc de Triumph
Eternal Flame Resisting the Rain
Eiffel Tower Shrouded in Rain Clouds
Rainy Intersection
Modern Paris in the Rain
Storm Clouds over the Eiffel Tower
People Walking in the Rain