Latest Blog Posts

  • Cee’s Which Way Challenge – View from the Trail

    We had so much fun with this challenge last week that we decided to go ahead and do it again. There is a tremendous amount of diversity when hiking the trails of Colorado. All of these photos were taken on the same hike in Beaver Creek in September of 2010. It was a beautiful day… Read more

  • Smile and the World Smiles With You

    This week’s Cee’s Fun Foot Challenge – Smiles, we decided to go a little whimsical. The first photo is from Disneyworld and is a cactus that has been shaped into a caricature of Pluto. We also included this picture of a giraffe from the local zoo. And if the giraffe wasn’t enough, here is a… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge: Narrow

    We had several ideas about how to express the thought of narrowness. Ultimately we decided that the narrow streets of Spain best epitomized the effect. In the Jewish Quarter of Seville, the streets are called the “kissing streets” because of the way the buildings seem to lean towards each other as if leaning towards each other… Read more

  • Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco

    We’ve been to several marinas with restaurants, boat tours, and amusement rides over the years. Some that come to mind are the Navy Pier in Chicago, the  marina in Cabo San Lucas, and Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. We had a great time shopping, eating, and watching the sea lions while we were there. It… Read more

  • Some Dreams Do Come True

    We have been waiting as patiently as we could to finally write this post. About a month ago we were approached by work with an opportunity to move to Europe for several months. It has always been a dream of ours to live in Europe and be able to take advantage of the close proximity… Read more

  • Life is to be Shared

    We love connecting with new and different people from every place that we travel to. Some are brief encounters and others become long-term friends that we keep in touch with through social media. Clearly we believe that we’ve made several friends just by sharing our stories here on our blog site and we are thankful… Read more