Considering Travel Insurance for Your Upcoming Trip?

We often get asked whether travel insurance is a necessity when planning a trip. For us, it is one of the most important things you need when traveling and we usually purchase immediately after booking airline or train tickets and make hotel reservations. Whether we are traveling domestically or internationally we always purchase travel insurance. 

It is important to remember that even if your credit card offers travel insurance, it is often minimal coverage or only covers items that were purchased with the credit card. When you are making your decision about what type of travel insurance to purchase, you need to consider the type of trip you are taking so you can ensure that you are covered adequately.

Depending on your trip, you want to ensure that the travel insurance covers:

  • Visits to a doctor and/or hospital whether you are sick or injured during your trip.
  • Whether you have to cancel your trip for personal reasons.
  • If your trip is cancelled by an airline or rail service, does it cover all things that have been pre-purchased or reimburse deposits.
  • If you need to be evacuated from your location.
  • Broken or stolen electronics.
  • Baggage being lost or stolen.
  • Offers various types of plans that suit what you need.

When we travel internationally, we use World Nomads Travel Insurance. They offer comprehensive plans for all types of travel. Fortunately, we have not had to use our travel insurance, but it offers piece of mind for a minimal cost and the expenses it could save. Another reputable travel insurance company, that offers a wide variety of plans, is Visitors Coverage . We have not used them, but we know several people who have.

Regardless of who you choose for your travel insurance, it is definitely a worthwhile investment. We have been fortunate to have not been in a position where we had to use our insurance, but we have heard from so many people who having travel insurance was literally a lifesaver. Whether it was getting a helicopter to fly someone out of the jungle with a broken leg or getting home after a natural disaster, not having to worry about the added expenses that might come into play is well worth the peace of mind that travel insurance provides.

Five Must Pack Items for Travel Abroad

Obviously there are some things that you simply cannot travel without such as your passport, camera, and cell phone. We’d like to talk about a few items that we have found to be just as important, but perhaps aren’t talked about quite as often. Certainly it is possible to purchase some of these items while you’re on the road, but if you plan ahead and bring them with you, you will be happier in the long run.

  1. An Electrical Converter Kit – Having a high quality converter kit is an absolute must. We have bought some less expensive converters that were specific for our destination, only to find out once we arrived that they didn’t work very well. Since then, we’ve found a high quality converter that can convert to multiple wattage and it has never failed us. In some countries the outlets can vary from hotel to hotel, so knowing that we have whatever converter we need provides a huge piece of mind.

    Power Converter
  2. Charging Chords and Cables – This one is pretty obvious, but it is important to remember chargers for every device that might need one, not just your cell phone and computer or tablet. Perhaps you have a fitness tracker that needs to be charged or you have a camera with rechargeable batteries. Think of the frustration you would feel if those devices stopped working and you couldn’t take photos or impress your friends by telling them how many steps you took on you trip. Kidding aside, there are many common devices these days that need to be charged. We also recommend taking extra cables if you have them. Charging cables seem to be one of the most common items to get left in a hotel room when travelling from place to place.

    Chords and Cables
  3. A List of All Medications and Vaccinations – This is one of those things that you hope that you won’t need to use, but if for some reason you need to seek medical attention when you are travelling, having a complete list of every medication that you are taking will be important information. You should also have your doctor fill out your official vaccination form. Even if you are not travelling to a country that requires it, having the form with you can be handy if you take a spontaneous trip to some place that does require it. The medication list can also be useful should you encounter an overly suspicious customs agent that scrutinizes a bottle of pills in your carry-on bag.

    Vaccination Forms
  4. A Multi-Port USB Device – Having a multi-port USB device can be convenient for a couple of reasons. First of all, it will allow you to charge multiple devices while plugged into a single outlet (using a single power converter ☺). It also allows you to connect several devices together in order to share data across those devices, which is quite useful when trying to copy photos from a camera or phone onto a tablet so that you can share them with the world.

    USB Device
  5. A First-Aid Kit – Once again, you hope that you never need it, but having a small kit with band-aids, gauze, aspirin, and medicinal wipes is always a good idea. It can be as simple as tossing a few necessary items into a plastic bag to go into your suitcase. Depending on where you are travelling to, it might be a good idea to toss in a small bottle of aloe as well, just in case you get sunburned.

These are just a few things that we’ve found to be useful during our various travels. Perhaps there are some things that you’ve found to be useful when you travel, we’d love to hear what they are.