General Itinerary for Our Vietnam/Laos Trip

We are one day away from heading to the airport to depart for Vietnam. We have several tours scheduled in order to maximize our time, but also have some time to explore on our own. Needless to say, we are really looking forward to our experiences. It will be a busy trip, but we are looking forward to seeing as much as possible. Here is a brief outline of what we’ll be doing over the next couple of weeks.

  1.  Hong Kong Tour – We purposely chose a long layover in Hong Kong and have lined up a 6 hour tour to explore the city. We fly from Hong Kong to Hanoi in the early evening after our tour.
  2.  After spending the night in Hanoi, we will have a full day to ourselves to explore the Old Quarter and Sword Lake. There will certainly be plenty of opportunities to enjoy different types of street food and restaurants.
  3.  We have the first part of the day to continue to explore Hanoi on our own, but meet a chef in the afternoon where we’ll go to a local market to pick up ingredients and then learn to cook an authentic 5 course Vietnamese meal.
  4.  The following day, we fly from Hanoi to Vientiane, Laos where we have an Airbnb. After getting settled, a guide will pick us up to take us to the famous Buddha Park.
  5.  After a good night sleep, we will have a guided tour of Vientiane and see a variety of temples and other famous sites.
  6.  Our flight back to Hanoi doesn’t leave until the evening on the next day, so we will have a pretty full day to explore Vientiane on our own and make sure that we experience as much of the food and culture as we can.
  7.  Having arrived back in Hanoi, things get even busier for our next four days. First we will do a Hao Lu – Tam Coc – Mua Cave Tour. This is a full day tour that features temples, bicycling through the countryside, taking a sampan on the Ngo Dong river, and visiting 3 different caves and seeing panoramic views of the countryside.
  8.  The next day we will travel four hours to the marina of Ha Long Bay where we will embark on a two day cruise that features amazing views of the islands as well as exploring more caves in the bay.
  9.  After two days exploring Ha Long Bay, we do our final tour in Vietnam and visit Perfume Pagoda. We’ll take another boat ride on a river and see the unique pagoda that is actually inside of a cave.
  10.  Finally, we start our return trip where we again have a long layover in Hong Kong and will be spending the night there before finally getting on our long flight back to the United States.

It should be an amazing trip, but as busy as we’ll be our opportunities to post will be limited. We look forward to sharing all of our experiences upon our return.

How Do You Like to Tour a Location?

There are usually options on how you can tour a location such as self-guided walking tours, group tours, or hiring a private guide. Even if you just read a guide book and walk the streets on your own, you are actually touring a location, it is just very casual. We have tried a variety of styles of touring and have probably done a combination of several styles on every trip. We don’t like being on a schedule, so we lean towards self-guiding ourselves through an area, but there are times when it requires a guide of some sort to really understand the history of a place.

Touring Florence on Our Own
  1. Self-Guided Tours – Whether you get a map and highlight the path that you want to follow or just pick a starting point and wander, self-guided touring is a very relaxing way to see a place. You can see what you want to see, decide how long you want to spend at a certain site, and stop for a bite to eat at a place that fits your style and budget. One of the downsides is that it is up to you to make sure that you have read all of the information to truly understand the history and interesting facts about a location. Also, there are often times when informational signs are only in the local language and if you are not fluent, you might miss out on some interesting facts.

    Group Tour in Amsterdam
  2. Group Tours – These can take on a variety of types of tours from hop-on, hop-off buses, river boat cruises, or group walking tours. These tours can be interesting depending upon the personality of the guide. It is often look this way, get a couple of sentences about it, and then you are off to the next site. If you are with a group of people who are truly interested in the place and have read a certain amount of information in advance, you can often learn interesting things based on the questions that are asked in addition to whatever information was on the guide’s script. The schedule is not your own, though, and you can sometimes end up spending more time in places that don’t interest you as much as perhaps it does others. Also, on walking tours, if you have people who decide to wander off to take pictures, you can find yourself standing around waiting for the group to regather.

    Private Tour in Bolivia
  3. Private Tours – Although you definitely pay a little bit more for private attention, there a many benefits to having a private tour guide. We have found them to be highly knowledgeable about the locations that you want to see and you have their complete attention to ask them questions that are of interest to you. Since the tour is private, the guides are usually willing to cater to your tastes, physical capabilities, and even potentially add things to the tour that might not have been in the original schedule. Obviously, the experience is completely dependent on the personality of the guide. If you are going to spend several hours with only yourselves and the guide, they better have a good personality or it will be the longest few ours of your trip.

    Learning from an Egyptologist in Luxor

There is no one-size fits all solution when it comes to touring a location and we have found that it often takes a mix to see a place from all of the different angles. If you are going to do a guided tour, be sure to negotiate the price in advance, especially if you are hiring a guide right at a specific site. You should also consider a tip and it should be reflective of the information that you received and the quality of the tour and the guide.

Heidelberg Castle

Earlier this week, we decided to make a quick trip from Frankfurt to Heidelberg. It is only a fifty-minute train ride to reach Heidelberg and it is definitely a trip that is worth the while. Clearly it is a popular tourist destination and top among the sites to visit is the castle that looms large over the old town. No matter where you are, the castle is clearly visible on the hillside above the city that lies on the Neckar River.

View of Some of the Most Preserved Parts of the Castle
Looming Above the City
Castle Tower
Signs of Destruction

We decided to take the guided tour since we often like to hear about the history and see sights that are sometimes only available by tour, but we were disappointed with this particular tour. Partially due to two young children who misbehaved and disrupted every aspect of the tour, however, even if that hadn’t been the case, it would not have been worth the small price that we paid. The castle has been in a state of constant flux since its original construction in the thirteenth century. What is left today is a ruin of a castle, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth seeing, because it definitely is.

Clear Sky Behind the Castle
Gorgeous Castle
View of the Castle
More Signs of Destruction

It is hard to imagine how beautiful it must have been during the height or its glory, but it must have truly been grand. It helps that it was a gorgeous day when we visited, which is somewhat of rarity these days. The castle grounds are no longer filled with lavish gardens, but it is still a beautiful place to visit. Today, the castle is rented out for weddings and special events, so one of the reasons that we didn’t like the tour was the subliminal selling message that we heard throughout the tour. Although the castle is clearly in decay, it is still very much worth visiting if you get the chance to visit Heidelberg.

Model of the Full Castle
Open Windows
Another View of the Castle
Gorgeous Autumn Day