We decided to hike a trail on the grounds of the Air Force Academy here in Colorado Springs. The Falcon Trail is a trail that we have never hiked before and it is a 13 mile loop, but we just did a few miles of it. Since we have had a rather wet summer, the wildflowers have been in full bloom and we enjoyed seeing quite a variety of them during our hike.
Beautiful DayMany Different WildflowersVibrant ColorsCrossing a Small StreamOrange Wildflowers
The trail takes you through a variety of terrain from open fields to wooded hills. It was a warm day, so we enjoyed getting into the shade of the trees. The trail is considered to be a moderate trail, but the portion of the trail that we hiked was fairly easy. It is certainly a popular trail with mountain bikers, so you have to keep your eye out in order to avoid getting in their way.
Purple WildflowerWalking along the TrailSo Many Different Types of WildflowersWalking Through the WildflowersThe Beginning of the Hike
It is definitely a trail that we will likely hike again. Not a lot of people go onto the grounds of the Academy to go hiking, so it is nice way to get away from the crowds and get into nature without having to drive very far from the city.
Tall WildflowerStream along the TrailGetting into the TreesSolo WildflowerFuzzy Wildflower
Located on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona, Scottsdale is a resort and retirement community that is a relaxing place to visit. In some ways, it reminds us of Hilton Head, South Carolina, only it doesn’t have the beaches. What it does have is a lot of excellent golf courses, upscale resorts, and restaurants galore. Summertime is actually their off-season due to the intense heat and the possibilities of a haboob, which is dust storm that can blanket the entire area with a wall of sand.
Old Town ScottsdaleSouthwestern ArtworkBeautiful FlowersOldest Standing Church in Scottsdale
The downtown area of Scottsdale has a historic old town that will transport you back into the days of cowboys and give you a glimpse into the old west or southwest. There are plenty of souvenir stores selling Indian jewelry, pottery, and other trinkets to take home with you. There is also a large art district where you can go an art walk and enjoy all of the different galleries with traditional southwestern art as well as contemporary and traditional art. Not to worry, there is also a boutique shopping district, should you desire to do some shopping for non-tourist related items.
StorefrontsOld Western TouchesWhimsical TouchesInteresting Statues
The other thing that you can find are plenty of restaurants and bars. If you are daring, you can stop in at one of the several saloons that are downtown and even listen to some good old western music. Needless to say, we had to give more than one of the saloons a try, if for nothing else to get out of the 108 degree Fahrenheit temperatures. Cold beers and margaritas were definitely needed in order to beat the heat.
Old Fashioned SaloonHistoric Building and Friendly LoungeCountry Western MusicUnique Interior of Patties
Walking around the downtown Scottsdale area provides wonderful scenery, interesting artwork, and at this time of year, plenty of beautiful flowering plants. Whether you come to the area to play a few rounds of golf, sit by the pool and relax, or enjoy the abundant food options that are available, you won’t be disappointed. We would probably recommend that you come during the fall when the temperatures are more hospitable, but if you can stand the heat, there are plenty of deals for those who venture to come here during the summer.
True Cowboy BarMore FlowersDowntown ArtworkFun and GamesOld Town Sign
If you don’t set any goals for yourself, how can you know if you are making progress to whatever you deem as success? Goals help you remain focused and moving towards your desired target. It is important to revisit and adjust your goals throughout the year so that you can be sure that they remain realistic and achievable. Sometimes something happens that will cause you to change your goals as life sometimes takes you in different directions. We set one goal for ourselves after spending time in Europe and that was to visit more of Central and South America. With that in mind, we booked our trip to visit Ecuador in September. We are also planning on seeing more of our own state as well as nearby states, assuming that our work schedules cooperate. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Focus, so while we ponder what we’re focused on, here are some close-up photos that focus on various flowers.
Flower in Our BackyardBeautiful WildflowerFlower in Denver’s Civic Center ParkMushroom Caps