Hiking Around a Mountain Lake

There probably isn’t anything more relaxing than getting away from the crowds and walking around a lake in the mountains with no one else around. With temperatures heating up, we are enjoying hiking once again and the higher altitudes mean more comfortable weather. We really enjoy this trail, which is one of our favorites, as we are able to make it as long or as short of a hike as we would like. We went on a weekday afternoon so that we could avoid the crowds and truly immerse ourselves into nature.

Beautiful Mountain Lake
Water on the Trail
Down on the Shore
Rugged Scenery
Looking Down at the Lake

The trail is located about 20 minutes from our house and takes you past a couple of reservoirs. The first part of the trail is relatively steep, but then it somewhat flattens out. As we always say, you can’t go hiking in the mountains without expecting some difficult terrain. There are often people fishing in the lakes or sitting on the shore enjoying a picnic. It certainly made for a relaxing afternoon and a good way to start getting back into hiking shape. We are planning to get on a trail again this weekend, but this time we expect to choose a trail that we’ve never hiked before.

More Views than Just the Lake
Wildflowers are Starting to Bloom
We Could Stand There for Hours
Boulders Along the Trail


Trying to Make it to the Top

Everyone wants success in life, both personal and professional, but it isn’t always easy to achieve. Obviously it takes hard work and perseverance, but sometimes it takes a little luck as well. As we near the end of the year, it is time to look back at the year and determine whether things are getting better, staying the same, or needs some adjusting. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Ascend. We have chosen several photos of places where we have climbed steep stairs, trails, and walks. Just like life, sometimes if you willing to make the effort to keep climbing, there can be travel rewards. Hopefully life is on its way up for all of you!

Stairs Leading Down to Gullfoss Falls in Iceland
Climbing up a Waterfall in Bolivia
Climbing the Stairs in Koblenz, Germany
The Start of the Trail at the Quilotoa Volcano in Ecuador
Hiking Up Pikes Peak in Colorado
Climbing in the Paint Mines Interpretive Park in Colorado
We Walked this Twice in Heidelberg, Germany
Walking Up to the Michelangelo Piazza in Florence, Italy


Teleferico in Quito, Ecuador

If you want to get tremendous views of Quito, Ecuador, the Teleferico is definitely a great way to do it. The Teleferico is a cable car that takes you up the Pichincha volcano. Once the cable car drops you off, there is the opportunity to continue hiking even farther up the side of the mountain. In addition to views of Quito, if the weather is clear enough, you can see other volcanoes in the distance like Cayambe and Cotopaxi.

Riding Up the Teleferico
Amazing Views
View of Cotopaxi Volcano
Volcanoes Behind Us
View of the Valley

Hiking at such high altitudes is definitely difficult and can easily take your breath away. It is strange for us, who live in Colorado, to see plants and trees growing at heights as high as 14,000 feet (4,270 meters). The tree line here starts at about 11,000 feet (3,350 meters) at which point the air is too thin for anything to grow. We assume that it is likely due to the high humidity in South America and the Andes mountains that allows plants to grow at such altitudes.

Looking Up at the Trail
Amazing Peaks
Quito with Cotopaxi Volcano in the Distance
You can Ride Horses if You Want
Cayambe Volcano

Even if you don’t decide to hike up towards Bear Cave, the views from the top of the Teleferico are worth seeing if you are visiting Quito. The cable car ride itself is quite steep, so if you have a fear of heights you should try to sit so that you are looking up at the side of the mountain and not down. If you are able to, though, sitting so that you look back at Quito as you climb higher and higher provides amazing views. It is often foggy and cloudy in Ecuador, so if you are able to time your trip for a clear day, you will be rewarded with spectacular scenery.

Quito is a Long, Narrow City
Starting the Hike
Amazing Views from the Trail
Rugged Landscape