Tips for Balancing Life, Blogging, Travel, and Work

There are days when wake up and don’t know how we’re are going to get everything done that we need to do on that particular day. With so many obligations and expectations, people often ask us how we manage to get it all done without losing our minds in the process. The short answer is that we don’t get everything done all of the time and that sometimes we simply do the best that we can. Somehow we manage to find the right mix to balance all of the demands that we have on us, but it certainly isn’t as easy as people assume that it is. In many ways, it simply comes down to doing the best that you can with the time that you have and not stressing about the things you can’t get done. To be clear, these tips are for people who want their blogging to be more than a form of social media and sharing with friends and family. With that said, here are a few tips that might keep you from going insane on a daily basis.

Enjoying Prague
  1. Create a Weekly Recurring To-Do List by Day – Obviously, organization is key to staying on track and writing your tasks down will definitely help. There is no way that you can do everything every day, so if you break tasks up into a daily to-do list, it will allow you to focus on items without bouncing all over the place. For example, there are things that we do once a week and we pick a day and make sure we do that task on that day. We create a spreadsheet with the days of the week as columns and the recurring tasks as rows. We then put an “X” in the cell for the day(s) that we intend to complete that task. The rows in the spreadsheet can include things like publishing a post, doing activities on social media, contacting affiliates, etc. If you have other daily tasks that you need to take care of personally, add those to your list as well. When a task is completed, cross it off of the list for that day. There is a certain amount of satisfaction that you receive when you cross items off of you to-do list as being done. Then, at the beginning of the next week, print out a new copy of your to-do list so that you have a fresh copy to work with.

    Cathedral Towers in Amsterdam
  2. Use a Calendar to Schedule Your Time – Setting specific time each day to take care of tasks is important. It takes a certain amount of dedication to say that you are going to work on something at a specific time during the day and then not letting other obligations overtake that time. Obviously there will be times when something comes up that is more important and has to happen during the time that you have blocked for a task, but it should definitely be the exception and not the rule. It is easy to let yourself get diverted by other things, especially if a task isn’t your favorite to do, but to be successful, you need to use your time wisely. Clearly, if you are like us, and have full-time jobs on top of blogging, forcing ourselves to schedule our time is extremely important. It allows us to get our posts completed without interfering with our jobs and also making sure that we have time for our personal lives as well.

    Lava Eroded into Cliffs in Iceland
  3. Hold Yourself Accountable – We often see posts from people apologizing for not posting for several months because life has gotten too busy. There probably isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t think to ourselves that we just don’t have time to blog and there is the temptation to just let it slip. When you are blogging, you are both the boss and the employee, so you need to put your boss hat on and remind yourself that you have made an obligation to yourself to complete your tasks. If you don’t do something that you are supposed to do, no one will know other than yourself. Therefore, nobody is going to hold you accountable to getting those things done except for yourself. The same is true about making time for your family. You need to be sure that also make sure that you don’t let work, blogging, and other things interfere with your ability to spend quality time with the ones that you love.

    Colorful La Paz
  4. Learn to Multitask – To be fair, tests have shown that no one truly ever multitasks, they simply change focus quickly from one task to another. It might sound unfair to say that you need to learn how to multitask, but like almost any other skill, it can be learned with practice. There are certain tasks that take your complete and undivided attention for an extended period of time, but it is likely that the majority of them can be handled in conjunction with other tasks. We often find ourselves working on two, three, or even four tasks simultaneously. Multitasking doesn’t mean that you don’t do your best on each of the tasks, it is more about changing focus quickly and when you are focusing, you give it the full attention that it deserves.

    Temples at Mahabalipuram
  5. Give Yourself Time to Take a Break – Right now, you are probably saying that we are being hypocritical to say that you need to give yourself time off. Far from it, everyone needs a break every now and then, especially as complicated as all of our lives are. We use travel as our opportunity to get away from all of the normal work stresses, blog stresses, and even family stresses. That doesn’t mean that we just drop everything and run away. Just like any job, taking time off means getting things in a state prior to leaving where your presence isn’t necessary. That might mean getting a few blog posts written prior to leaving and scheduling them ahead of time. It also might mean just letting everyone know that you will be out of touch for a while. Sometimes, we just take a few minutes during our travel to give a quick update on where we are and what we are doing. Traveling doesn’t always mean that we spend weeks flying around the world, it can be as simple as going someplace for the weekend or even a long weekend if we want to go someplace farther away.

    Bridge at Ronda, Spain

No one is perfect and you shouldn’t expect yourself to be “super human”. Be realistic with your expectations and goals. If you are working a job that requires ten hours a day, it certainly isn’t reasonable to expect yourself to spend another four hours a day working on your blog. Perhaps it is something that you only do on the weekend or you work a couple of hours one or two nights a week. Work and life balance is exactly that, it is a balancing act. If you find yourself leaning too far one direction or another, you need to adjust and bring it back in line. How do you balance everything going on in your life?

What Do You Want to Get From Blogging?

There are a variety of reasons that most people take the time and effort to write a blog and share their thoughts with the world. Regardless of what style of blog that you write and how frequently you post, creating content that generates interest can not only be difficult, but also opens yourself up to a certain amount of vulnerability. With that said, why would anyone take the plunge and create a website to post their opinions, ideas, and stories? There are probably more reasons than these, but here are some common reasons that drove us to start our site a couple of years ago.

Strasbourg, France
  1. Connect with Like-Minded People – One of the great things about starting a blog is getting know other people who have similar experiences or share similar opinions as your own. Whether it is through comments, viewing other people’s sites, or getting to meet people in person, there is a certain amount of bonding that occurs when you connect through blogging. We know that for ourselves, we have learned as much from the other people we have connected with as we have from our own personal experiences. We get inspiration by reading the stories of others and from the feedback that we get on the stories that we have shared.

  2. Sharing Your Thoughts, Opinions, Expertise, and Experiences – Perhaps the main reason that someone would want to start a blog is simply to share things about yourself and what you know. We would sit with friends and tell the stories about the places that we visited and the experiences that we had; they would tell us that would should share our stories online. It was a big leap of faith to start sharing our stories because we didn’t have any idea what to expect and we weren’t sure what kind of reaction we would get. Thankfully, for the most part our experience has been positive, although we have received a couple of negative comments, which we have taken with a grain of salt. Hopefully everyone who reads this will understand that they have something to say and that their positive thoughts and ideas are worthwhile.

    Colosseum in Rome
  3. Express Yourself Creatively – There are a variety of ways that people are able to express themselves creatively through their blog site. Obviously, the words that you write and the stories that you share (both fictional and factual) are a form a creativity in and of itself. But there are other expressions of creativity, such as your logos, the pictures that you share, or just the topics that you decide to cover. Each of these are part of the creative process for creating a blog site. We consider ourselves to be amateur photographers, so taking photos during our travels and choosing which ones we include in our posts can be a daunting process. Those photos have become a window into the world of our travel and we probably think as much about the pictures that we choose as the words that we write. Getting validation for your creative choices can be one of the most satisfying feelings that you can get from posting on your site.

    Standing on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
  4. Improve Your Communication Skills – Perhaps not an obvious reason to start a blog, but the more that you write and put yourself out there, the better you will become at communicating with others. We have found that the people that have the best blog sites that we follow spend as much time reading other people’s posts as they do writing their own. Communication is a two-way street and seeing how other people express themselves, whether through humor, sarcasm, optimism, or just conversational, can lead to stretching your own communication style. When we look back at some of early blog posts and compare those to what we write now, we realize that we have morphed our writing style over time.

    Incallajta in Bolivia
  5. Earn Money or Compensation – Not everyone who creates a blog site is interested in making money from their work. For them, the reasons that we have stated above are enough for them to be completely satisfied. Other people want to earn money or even make a living from their blog site. Whether by selling items, doing affiliate marketing, getting advertisers, getting freelance writing opportunities, or being compensated with products for mentioning them, there are a lot of ways to earn money from your blog site. We would love to make money from the work that we do, but we aren’t willing to change our opinions or way that we write about our travels to do so. There are a lot of other people out there who can provide advise and guidance into how to monetize your blog, but with hard work and consistency it seems like an achievable goal. Some people seem to want to shame anyone who wants to earn money for their blog site, but we don’t think there is anything wrong with people being compensated for the time and effort that they put into their sites.

    Heidelberg, Germany

There are probably many other reasons for starting a blog, but those are some of the ones that have inspired us to put ourselves out there. What are some of the reasons that drove you to join this crazy community of bloggers? Are you getting everything from blogging that you were hoping for?