Chapelle Saint-Leon IX in Eguisheim, France

The town of Eguisheim is one of the medieval towns located on the Wine Road near Strasbourg, France. Located in the heart of the town is the Capelle Saint-Leon IX, which is a beautiful church with a colorful interior and interesting stained glass windows. The church is dedicated to Pope Leo IX who came from Eguisheim and was pope from 1049 to 1054. These historic churches are always worth visiting as they as they are a window into life hundreds of years ago.

The Front of the Chapel
Colorful Columns and Stained Glass Windows
Statue in Front of the Chapel
Entering the Chapel

The Chapelle Saint-Leon IX was built in the neo-Roman style in 1894 providing an excellent example of churches of the era. The chapel has beautiful stained glass windows that date back to 1895 as well as colorfully painted walls and ceilings depicting seven scenes from the life of Pope Leo IX. In addition to the interior, the colorful roof, bell tower, and architecture are also quite wonderful. Since it is located near the main fountain in the town square, there are also several restaurants near the chapel that serve a variety of local food.

Depicting the Life of Pope Leo IX
Stained Glass Windows
One of the Streets Heading Away from the Chapel and the Town Square
Ceiling Above the Altar

It is certainly worth taking time to see the Chapelle Saint-Leon IX when visiting quaint town of Eguisheim. As with most European towns, the church is literally and figuratively the heart of town and a focal point for all celebrations. We visited in the month of November, so there was a wonderful Christmas market located along the walls of the church. The chapel itself will only take about twenty minutes to see, but from there you should wander the narrow streets that spread out from the town square.

Looking Up at the Ceiling
Christmas Market Surrounding the Chapel
Statue of St. Leo Inside of the Chapel
View of Chapelle Saint-Leon IX
Medieval Street Next to the Chapel


6 thoughts on “Chapelle Saint-Leon IX in Eguisheim, France

  1. This chapel is not the best known of the region’s attractions, it is true that there is little interest in France in late 19th century constructions, copying previous styles, when there are so many monuments dating back to the original period. I also noticed the stork nests on the roofs, typical of the region. Thanks for the post.

  2. It’s good to see some pictures of the inside – we were there on a Saturday and there was one wedding after another going on inside so we only managed to snatch a look over the heads of the wedding parties and couldn’t actually go inside. It’s an interesting pastiche of a gothic or even earlier building and I would have liked to see it.

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