Historic Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg is a very  popular place to visit in Germany and it is certainly a wonderful city with a charming, historic feel. Clearly it is a popular tourist destination and top among the sites to visit is the castle that looms large over the old town. No matter where you are, the castle is clearly visible on the hillside above the city that lies on the Neckar River. One of the more interesting things is that as you walk around the castle grounds, the castle takes on quite unique perspectives.

View of Some of the Most Preserved Parts of the Castle
Castle Tower
Signs of Destruction
Looming Above the City

When we visited the castle, we decided to take a guided tour since we often like to hear about the history and see sights that are sometimes only available by tour.  Unfortunately we were disappointed with this particular tour although we really enjoyed the castle itself. Our disappointment was partially due to two young children who misbehaved and disrupted every aspect of the tour, however, even if that hadn’t been the case, it would not have been worth the small price that we paid. The castle has been in a state of constant flux since its original construction in the thirteenth century. What is left today is a ruin of a castle, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth seeing, because it definitely is.

Clear Sky Behind the Castle
Gorgeous Castle
View of the Castle
More Signs of Destruction

It is hard to imagine how beautiful it must have been during the height or its glory, but it must have truly been grand. It helps that it was a gorgeous day when we visited, which added to overall beauty of castle and the city. The castle grounds are no longer filled with lavish gardens, but it is still a beautiful place to visit. Today, the castle is rented out for weddings and special events, so one of the reasons that we didn’t like the tour was the subliminal selling message that we heard throughout the tour. Although the castle is clearly in decay, it is still very much worth visiting if you get the chance to visit Heidelberg.

Model of the Full Castle
Open Windows
Another View of the Castle
Gorgeous Autumn Day


Prague Castle Complex

One of the most amazing places we visited during our time in Europe was the Prague Castle Complex. There are many beautiful castles throughout Europe, but the sheer size and number of structures on the grounds of Prague Castle made it one of the most fascinating. Dating back to the 9th century with new additions being added throughout its history, the complex has the castle fortress, palaces, gardens, cathedrals and churches, a monastery, as well as several defense towers. This is definitely one of those places that you could visit several times and still see something new every time.

Standing in Front of the Palace
St. Vitus Cathedral
View from the Castle Complex

Seeing the castle complex from Charles Bridge is one of the most iconic sights that you will ever see while traveling around Europe. Once you cross the bridge, you enter a city of its own that surrounds the castle. We were on a walking tour, so we didn’t get to go inside of the Royal Palace, the St. Vitus Cathedral, or St. George’s Basilica, but there is so much to see just walking around the grounds. We were there during the off-season and the crowds were still very large and the lines to enter the palace were several hours long and the cathedral was closed during our visit. If you have the time and are willing to wait in the long lines, based on what we have heard, it is worth it to see the luxurious grandeur that awaits you when you enter.

Waiting in Line
St. Vitus Cathedral and the Prague Castle Complex, Czech Republic
Beautiful Building on the Complex Grounds

Walking through the complex, the spires of the St. Vitus Cathedral dominate the skyline and it is a wonderful example of a gothic cathedral. And yet, somehow, it felt unique compared to many of the other gothic cathedrals that we have seen in Europe. There are so many incredible details on the exterior of the cathedral that you are treated to something new around every corner. The colorful fresco above the doors of the cathedral was one of the more interesting features that we saw as we toured around the complex.

Artwork Above the Doors
Classic Gothic Style of St. Vitus Cathedral
Gothic Details

The views from the castle complex are amazing and you are treated to an incredible cityscape that overlooks the ancient red roofs with the modern city of Prague off in the distance. After leaving the palace and cathedral, you walk through the narrow streets of the Golden Lane as well as streets lined with shops and restaurants. Everywhere you look, your eyes are greeted with the fascinating architecture of Prague. There is so much to see in this wonderful city, but visiting the Prague Castle Complex is certainly one of the highlights of any visit. If you want to capture the memory forever, stop at the stand of one of the many artists that are on Charles Bridge and purchase an original piece of art at a reasonable price that captures the sights of Prague.

Old World Prague with Modern Prague in the Distance
Walking the Narrow Streets
Beautiful Architecture Walking Down from the Castle Complex


Time Travel is Possible

Every now and then, you are able to go to a tourist location and visit it without any other people around you. On those rare occasions when you aren’t surrounded by a hundred people taking selfies in front of what you’ve come to see, it can be a truly memorable moment. It really gives you the opportunity to let your mind wander and imagine what it must have been like to have been there during some historical period of the past. Because we often travel during the off-season, we have been fortunate enough to have a few of these experiences.

Walking Through the Guardhouse Entrance
Ancient Bridge

For this week’s Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge, we decided to use photos from one of those experiences. When we went to Schloss Stolzenfels on the outskirts of Koblenz we were able to walk the castle grounds without anyone else around us. Walking through the dense forest as you climbed the path up the side of the hillside to reach the castle, it was as if we had been transported to a different time. One could easily imagine horse-drawn carriages making their way up to the castle to attend some royal event. Or perhaps a band of robbers hiding in the woods waiting for the opportunity to make off with some jewels from passing travelers.

Walking through the Park
Schloss Stolzenfels from the Path

It is no wonder that so many fairy tales came from the forests of the German countryside. Walking the roads and trails at night with the fear of wolves, robbers, and other mystical creatures must have been at the forefront of any travelers mind. For a couple of hours, we walked those woods and imagined what life must have been like back in the 16th century.

Walking Through the Forest
The Final Set of Stairs