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  • Making an Effort to Get the View

    We all love those panoramic photos with breathtaking views, but it is often a struggle to get to the location to take those pictures. Whether hiking to the top of a large mountain, making your way up a steep set of stairs, or even climbing up a ladder it can be exhausting and even sometimes… Read more

  • The Colosseum in Rome

    The Colosseum in Rome, Italy, is one of those iconic locations that anyone who visits the city must take the time to explore. Because of its popularity, be prepared for long lines and you will likely have tour guides offer to let you jump to the front of the line if you are willing to… Read more

  • Carrasco National Park in Bolivia

    One of the most interesting places that we visited during our time in Bolivia was to the Carrasco National Park. It is in the Amazon Rainforest and is most famous for having a cave with Guacharo birds. These birds are virtually blind and are nocturnal feeders that eat the fruit of the oil palm trees.… Read more

  • Do You Research the Food of a Country?

    There is always a lot of planning that occurs before visiting a country for the very first time. What are the important sites to see, which cities should you visit, what are the best transportation options, etc. All of those are obviously important things to research, but what about the foods that you should eat… Read more

  • Traveling Can Make You Appreciate Your Life

    There are times, when you travel to certain locations, when you realize how lucky you really are. Sure, on some trips you go to places with palaces and temples of gold that can make you dream of a pampered life. Like most people, we feel that we work hard and can often feel stressed and… Read more

  • Walking the Side Streets of Florence, Italy

    There are many cities in Europe that are very walkable and one of the most walkable is Florence. With its cobblestone streets, beautiful architecture, and plazas with cafes and restaurants, you can literally spend all day just wandering around the heart of the city. Don’t limit yourself to the main streets, though, as some of… Read more