Daily Post Photo Challenge – Jubilant

This week’s photo challenge is about being jubilant. Since we want to share as many photos from our recent trip to South America as we can, we decided to share a picture of some street performers in Lima, Peru. We had stopped at a little café for a glass of wine and as we sat there we kept seeing people walk by with various instruments. Soon afterwards we could hear the sound of a band playing nearby. So, we finished our glasses of wine and walked around the corner to find that the band had assembled. They truly enjoyed what they were doing and so did the crowd that was slowly gathering around them.

Street Band
Not Sure if the Drummer Wanted His Picture Taken
Having a Good Time

High Altitude Adventure

We spent the last day and a half in La Paz enjoying a little bit of luxury after a week in Cochabamba. Tomorrow we head to Lake Titikaka followed by a trip down “Death Road” to the Yungus Jungle. We’ll be home by the end of the week and finally be able to truly share what an amazing trip this has been. Here are a few photos from La Paz, the highest city in the world with unbelievable views, although we’re still trying to catch our breath 😉

La Paz from the Gondola
Amazing Valley of the Moon
Valley of the Moon, such an Amazing Natural Wonder
Top of the Valley of the Moon
Beginning our Trek through the Valley of the Moon