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  • Wat Ho Phra Keo in Vientiane, Laos

    Of the many different temples that we visited in Vientiane, Wat Ho Phra Keo (also known as Haw Phra Kaew) was unique and different for a variety of reasons. Although several of the temples have gardens, the garden that leads to the entrance of the temple was very well groomed and colorful. It was also… Read more

  • Altstadt Frankfurt, Germany

    One of our favorite places in Frankfurt was the old town, or Altstadt, and we spent many afternoons there during our time there. Frankfurt has a reputation for being a very modern city and is considered the Manhattan of Germany, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still have some historic charm. Although many of… Read more

  • Moist and Savory Halibut

    Halibut is a very versatile fish that can be cooked in many different ways. It is a mild fish as well that can take on a variety of flavors. This is an easy way to prepare halibut that is moist and can be paired with any type of side dish that you might like. We… Read more

  • Our Changing Reflections on Travel

    We have written several times over the past three to four years about how travel has impacted our lives. Looking back at the way we have viewed how travel influences our lives is as interesting in some ways as the actual travel has been. It is important to reflect upon the actual act of traveling… Read more

  • Heinzelmännchen Fountain in Cologne, Germany

    One of the interesting sights to see when visiting Cologne is the Heinzelmännchen fountain. The Heinzelmännchen are actually supposed to be little gnome creatures that come out at night to do all of the work of the citizens of Cologne, allowing them to be lazy during the day. The gnomes would disappear before anyone awoke,… Read more

  • The Monkeys of Gibraltar

    Gibraltar is a British Territory located in Southern Spain where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. It is a very interesting place to visit for a variety of regions and hiking the trail that leads to the summit of the famous Rock of Gibraltar is obviously number one on the list. We took the… Read more