This is a sponsored post on behalf of E-Bags. All opinions are our own.

If you travel with any consistency, you are always looking for products that will make your travel better. E-Bags is a company that provides a variety of products that any traveler should consider. From travel handbags, luggage, and backpacks to products like packing cubes. We had the opportunity to try a variety of products and found all of them to be ones that we will continue use on all of our upcoming trips. Not only are they great for taking with you as you travel, but we also found them to be easy to collapse and store when not in use. Another thing that all travelers are looking for in products they purchase.
The TLS Motherlode Weekend is not only perfect for a quick weekend getaway, but also versatile enough to take as a small suitcase on any trip. Like a lot of people these days, we try to limit ourselves to carry on bags when flying and this is a perfect bag as it meets most airline standards. It has many different, zippered compartments allowing you to pack your clothes, shoes, electronics, and bath supplies in a convenient and organized manner. It can be worn as a traditional backpack, but also comes with a shoulder strap that allows you to take it as a traditional suitcase.

Another product that we tried was the Anti-Theft Crossbody Handbag. Having a bag that has slash resistant straps and RFID protection is an absolute must for anyone who travels, whether internationally or locally. This particular bag is made of lightweight nylon and has plenty of compartments to store phones, credit cards, passports, and all of the personal items that you need. It is even perfect for everyday use as well as for when you are traveling.

Packing Cubes are an ideal way to stay organized when you travel. We tried a 4-piece set, which was an ideal pairing to the Weekend Convertible Backpack. When traveling for a couple of days or even a week, using packing cubes to separate clothes or put outfits together works out perfectly. The cubes are thin and lightweight, so they don’t add any bulk to your bag and, if you roll your clothes, they work even better.

E-Bags has a wonderful variety of products, all specially designed for travelers. We believe that they are a perfect resource for anyone who travels, whether for business or pleasure.