Latest Blog Posts

  • What is a Canopy Tour?

    During our trip to Bolivia, we scheduled a canopy tour during our stay outside of the Carrasco National Forest. Perhaps it was just naivety on our part, but we thought that the canopy tour was going to be some sort of rope bridges strung from tree to tree for us to walk along and see… Read more

  • The Shops of Marbella

    We really enjoyed walking the tiny shops in the resort town of Marbella, Spain. For Cee’s Which Way Challenge this week, we decided to share a couple of photos of the narrow streets with the gorgeous tile sidewalks. We ended up buying a couple of Christmas ornaments while we were there, but tapas at the… Read more

  • Plenty of Choices for Food in Denver

    Whether on the 16th Street Mall or in the LODO (Lower Downtown) area, there are plenty of restaurants to choose from. We’ve said this before, but we are not big eaters. We do, however, like to try a variety of food so we tend to have small bites in several places spread out throughout the day.… Read more

  • Never Let Go

    When we saw that the topic for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge for this week was hands, a couple of thoughts came to mind. First, we don’t take too many pictures of our own hands unless we happen to be holding something of interest, usually a glass of wine ;). Secondly, that we hold hands whenever… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Fun

    Reflecting on something fun is always a good idea. Depending on whether you consider it to be graffiti or not, whimsical street art can definitely be a lot of fun. Perhaps because it is often found in some of the poorest of neighborhoods, these brightly colored images can put a smile on your face and… Read more

  • Weekend in Denver

    Things have been more than just a little hectic for the two of us over the past couple of weeks as we try to get prepared for being out of the country for several months. Working two full-time jobs and packing up our house has caused us to be pretty stressed, so we decided to… Read more