Latest Blog Posts

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – One Love

    Several years ago, we were at Yellowstone National Park and we had gone to the wolf preserve in West Yellowstone to see the wolves up-close. While we were there, we captured this picture of two wolves who appear to be in love. When we saw the weekly photo challenge come out, we knew at once… Read more

  • 7-Day Nature Photo Challenge ~ Day 2

    We were nominated by fellow blogger, ProjectRelish, for a seven-day photo challenge, so we will be posting one of our nature pictures every day for the next seven days. For day 2, we decided to use a picture from closer to home.  Living in Colorado, we love to hike and we literally have hundreds of… Read more

  • Red Rocks Amphitheatre

    We’ve been fortunate enough to see several shows at Red Rocks, but even if you don’t get a chance to see a concert there, it is definitely worth checking out if you’re in the Denver area.  It is the 75th anniversary of the amphitheater this year, so they are doing some special celebrations, so it… Read more

  • 7-Day Nature Photo Challenge ~ Day 1

    We were nominated by fellow blogger, projectrelish, for a seven-day photo challenge, so we will be posting one of our nature pictures every day for the next seven days. For our first post, we’ve decided to use a picture of a Betel Nut Palm Tree (Areca catechu) with its red ripe fruit from our trip… Read more

  • The Snæfellsnes Peninsula

    Our last full day in Iceland was also one of our busiest and most rewarding. It started out a little stressful as we woke to a fresh five or six inches of snow on the roads and we had a two and half to three-hour drive to peninsula ahead of us.  We had rented a… Read more

  • Spain Meets Colorado – Steak with Spanish Dry-Rub

    When we travel, we try to taste as much of the local flavors as possible. Then, when we’re back at home, we try to replicate some of the things that we tried during our trips.  We certainly aren’t culinary experts, but we are a couple that enjoys cooking and trying different foods.  This particular dinner is… Read more