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  • When “Groundhog Day” Becomes Reality

    Tomorrow is officially Groundhog Day in the United States when a groundhog is supposed to determine whether or not winter is going to last longer based on whether the groundhog casts a shadow. The term has also become to represent the notion of every day repeating itself over and over without changing. Ever since the… Read more

  • Seeing the Same Places in the Past and Present

    Although we really enjoy exploring places that we’ve never seen before, there are times when we do go back to the same location. A few of the places that we’ve visited, there has actually been quite a bit of time that has elapsed between our visits. In some cases, there can be striking differences and… Read more

  • German-Style Braised Red Cabbage with Apples

    One of the side dishes that we enjoyed quite often while in Germany was braised red cabbage with apples. It was slightly sweeter than the braised cabbage that we were used to having and found it to be quite refreshing. We had it served with schnitzel, pot roast, duck, and other meats as it is… Read more

  • Temple of Literature in Hanoi, Vietnam

    Hanoi is a busy city with over 8 million citizens and there are few places where you can escape from the noise. One of those places is the Temple of Literature, which is dedicated to the teachings of Confucius. Unlike pagodas, which are places of worship for Buddhists, the temples in Vietnam are celebrations for… Read more

  • The Unique Scenery of Hiking in Colorado

    Besides the physical benefits of hiking, the main reason to go hiking is to enjoy the beauty of nature. Without a doubt, the scenery in the mountains of Colorado is absolutely stunning. It is fascinating to see the way that the geological forces have joined with the forces of rain, wind, and time to create… Read more