Latest Blog Posts

  • Another Colorado Sunset

    One of the things that we love about living in Colorado are the incredible sunsets that we get from time to time. We enjoy seeing sunsets wherever we go, but there is something about seeing a sunset from your own home that is truly special. Perhaps it is the effect of the radiant colors, but… Read more

  • Crossroads from the Sky

    When you fly over a city, you truly get an opportunity to see the layout of a city. One of the things that naturally catches your eyes are the intersections of major highways as you approach or depart from the city. You can imagine the traffic flowing through these crossroads as they try to make… Read more

  • Saint Thomas Cathedral Basilica and Saint Thomas Mount in Chennai, India

    After going to several Hindu temples during our stay in Chennai, going to the Saint Thomas Cathedral Basilica was a unique experience. The church is built over the tomb of Saint Thomas, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, which is one of only three churches in the world to be built over the tomb… Read more

  • Lucca, Italy

    When traveling around Tuscany, one stop that is definitely worth visiting is Lucca. It is a walled, medieval city with plenty of charm and wonderful little restaurants. You probably don’t need more than a half-day to visit Lucca and combining it with a trip to Pisa is probably a good idea. The Duomo di Lucca… Read more

  • Getting Fresh Food at a Local Food Market

    Regardless of where you live, getting fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and other items from local farmers is definitely worth the effort. During our time in Germany, we came to rely on the market to get fresh produce, but also to pick up flowers for our apartment. Even here in Colorado, we will go to the… Read more

  • Eating Healthy when Traveling

    Regardless of the length of the trip or the exotic nature of the location, it is always difficult to eat healthy when traveling. Whether it is having to grab a quick bite at the airport or train station, eating a meal while sightseeing, or eating the local cuisine, healthy options are either not readily available… Read more