Our African Safari Adventure Has Come to an End

We are sitting in the Frankfurt airport waiting for the final leg of our flight to begin. We spent the last few days enjoying time in Nairobi and reminiscing about all of the animals that we saw. With about 8 thousand photographs to go through when we return home, it is definitely going to take some time to get through them all. Traveling internationally has also been an adventure as well, so we will actually be happy to get home and sleep in our own bed. It has truly been the trip of a lifetime, especially considering the over 19 month wait to travel once again.

Lion and Lioness
Hippo Sunbathing
View of Nairobi from Our Hotel Room
Maasai Warriors
Cheetah on the Prowl
Sunrise as We Approached Frankfurt

Early Morning Game Viewing Drive Before Arriving in Nairobi

We started our day with a very early rise to see some wildlife. The hope was to see the elusive rhinos up close and personal. We were not disappointed as we saw both white and black rhinos that were almost close enough to touch. We are enjoying a relaxing evening in Nairobi before doing a city tour in the morning. Every day has been unique and amazing for many reasons. With only a couple of days left on the trip, we are going to try to make the most of every minute.

White Rhinos
Giraffe and Zebras at Lake Nakuru
Black Rhinos
King of the Hill

Lake Nakuru and Our Final Night on Safari

It has been an amazing ten days with too many fascinating moments to describe in a few words. We have one more early morning game viewing drive in the morning and then we are off to Nairobi for the next several days. Today was another wonderful day where we saw white rhinos, which isn’t white but is larger than the black rhinos. We also stopped at a waterfall before going on to see more giraffes, water buffaloes, and and flamingos. To celebrate the day, we enjoyed the drink of Kenya, the Dawson. We are looking forward to seeing what the city of Nairobi has to offer.

Adorable Giraffes
Hundreds of Flamingos
White Rhino
Giant Eland – the Largest Antelope
View from Our Room