Watch Your Step

It is hard to avoid steep stairs when traveling and there are times when it is the only way to get to places with amazing views. Especially in historic places that have existed long before modern technologies like elevators, there simply is no choice but to scale the steps as they would have centuries ago. It can be strenuous at times, but the reward at the end is generally worth the effort. Because climbing them can be difficult, we often take photographs of the stairs to remind ourselves later about what we had to do to see the place that we were visiting. Some of them turn out to be interesting photos in and of themselves without having to have had the memory associated with them.

Stairs Inside of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Hatshepsut’s Temple in Luxor
Frozen Air on Stairs in Romania
Stairs to the Castle in Heidelberg, Germany
Looking Down at the Stairs of the Tower in Lucca
Brisk Climb to the Entrance of a Pyramid in Egypt
Climbing the Stairs in Koblenz, Germany


Trying to Make it to the Top

Everyone wants success in life, both personal and professional, but it isn’t always easy to achieve. Obviously it takes hard work and perseverance, but sometimes it takes a little luck as well. As we near the end of the year, it is time to look back at the year and determine whether things are getting better, staying the same, or needs some adjusting. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Ascend. We have chosen several photos of places where we have climbed steep stairs, trails, and walks. Just like life, sometimes if you willing to make the effort to keep climbing, there can be travel rewards. Hopefully life is on its way up for all of you!

Stairs Leading Down to Gullfoss Falls in Iceland
Climbing up a Waterfall in Bolivia
Climbing the Stairs in Koblenz, Germany
The Start of the Trail at the Quilotoa Volcano in Ecuador
Hiking Up Pikes Peak in Colorado
Climbing in the Paint Mines Interpretive Park in Colorado
We Walked this Twice in Heidelberg, Germany
Walking Up to the Michelangelo Piazza in Florence, Italy