Latest Blog Posts

  • Watching the Sunrises in Africa

    We have said many times that we are not really morning people and therefore don’t often see sunrises during our travels. Our time in Africa was quite different as we had to be up at sunrise in order to see the different wildlife while they were still active. As it turned out, the animals seemed… Read more

  • Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi

    One might have thought that we had seen enough elephants during our safari considering that we saw hundreds of them, but we were actually excited to visit the elephant orphanage in Nairobi. The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is dedicated to rescuing orphaned elephants and rhinos, raising them and possibly rehabilitating them, and then returning them to… Read more

  • Visiting the Kazuri Bead Factory in Nairobi, Kenya

    Although it is referred to as the Kazuri Bead Factory, it is really an artisan workshop where the beads for necklaces and bracelets as well as other pottery are created. Everything created by the artisans for Kazuri are handmade and hand-painted based on a preset pattern that each of the workers follow. In addition to… Read more

  • Ending Our Safari at Lake Nakuru in Kenya

    Our last two days on safari while we were in Africa were spent visiting Lake Naivasha and Lake Nakuru in Kenya before heading to Nairobi. The only rainy day that we had during our time in Africa was actually the day that we arrived in Lake Naivasha. We were scheduled to do a boat ride… Read more

  • International Travel During a Pandemic

    Traveling internationally can by difficult even during the best of times, but it is even more challenging right now. During our recent trip to Africa, we encountered a variety of issues and there were definitely some stressful moments. All of the traditional travel precautions still apply such as purchasing travel insurance, ensuring that your passport… Read more

  • Getting Close to the Wildlife in Maasai Mara National Reserve

    We had some amazing animal encounters during our time in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. It started on the first night when we arrived in the reserve when we saw our first cheetahs. We had already seen the big five in Africa, the elephants, water buffaloes, lions, leopards, and rhinos, but seeing the… Read more