Maritime Museum in Lisbon, Portugal

Museums can be hit or miss for us as some of them are boring and others are quite fascinating. The Maritime Museum in the neighborhood of Belém in Lisbon is different than a lot of museums partially due to having several models of ships from Portugal’s Age of Discovery. The exploits of those explorers who left from the shores of Lisbon to discover various trade routes around the world is an important part of Portugal’s history and the Maritime Museum pays homage to that time. It was also the very first thing that we saw during our time in Lisbon, providing context to many other things that we learned during our visit.

Main Hall of the Museum
Museum Entrance
Outside Exhibits
Model of an Ancient Ship

There are many exhibits throughout the museum, including maps and globes depicting the understanding of the world as it evolved with exploration, models of ships that would have sailed from Portugal, and statues of famous explorers like Vasco da Gama. There are also many interesting paintings depicting the lives of the sailors at sea and the hardships that they faced. It is clear that to be a seafaring explorer during those times certainly required a lot of bravery as there could be a tragedy at any given time.

Ship’s Canon and a Painting
Painting of a Ship During Wartime
One of the Many Statues
Ship’s Steering Wheel and Statue

The Maritime Museum is located in what seems to have been a church at one time and the exhibits are both inside and outside of the building. Tickets are 6.50 euros for adults and 3.25 euros for children. How long it takes to visit the museum depends on how long you spend reading the placards that provide information on each exhibit or spending looking at the details of the artwork and displays. We spent about an hour and a half walking through and enjoying everything that we saw, but we didn’t stop to read all of the information that is available for the visitors.

Another Model of a Ship
Interesting Statue
Fisherman Preparing Their Nets
Statue of Prince Henry the Navigator
Historic Map in the Entrance
Painting of Explorers
Colorful Ship in the Outside Exhibit

Hiking to See Chimpanzees in Nygugwe National Park in Rwanda

Having already spent a day trekking to spend time with the Gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park, we were excited for our next big adventure in Rwanda. It was possible to do our itinerary in reverse where we started with the Chimpanzee and ended with the Gorilla trek, but we’re happy that we ended up doing it in the order that we did. Trekking to visit with the Gorillas was extremely strenuous with most of the time spent going up and down the sides of steep hills where we had to hack our way through the thick jungle foliage. Trekking to see the chimpanzees was pretty much the complete opposite where we hiked on a trail through a forest, which is completely different than going off-trail through a jungle. Just like our trek to see the gorillas, though, we did luck out as the weather was concerned and the rain held off until after our trek was complete.

Climbing Down to the Ground
Checking Us Out While Laying Down
Turning His Back To Us

Our hike started early in the morning and our guides let us know that we needed to get to the location where the chimpanzees were sleeping before they woke or we might have to follow them or maybe not see them at all. Once they become active and start moving through the canopy, they can become difficult to see, but apparently our chimpanzee family had been fighting with baboons the night before and were extra tired. Once we arrived at the location where the chimpanzees were sleeping, we began the waiting game for them to climb down from the treetops to join us on the ground. Eventually they did climb down and they moved around us, which was not only exciting for us, but was equally exciting for our guides as they said this was one of the best encounters that they had experienced.

Morning Grooming
Walking Past Us
Time to Get Moving

The chimpanzees, however, were not particularly impressed with our presence and mostly ignored us and turned their backs towards us. Unlike the gorillas who were as fascinated with us as we were with them, the chimpanzees seemed to find us to be an annoyance that they needed to avoid before going about their daily activities. We were able to get some interesting videos and photographs before hiking back out of the forest and heading back to our lodge to enjoy lunch. From start to finish, the trek only took us about six hours and it was far less strenuous than the gorilla trekking, but that isn’t to say that it wasn’t strenuous at all as we were still hiking up and down the mountainside. Had this been our first adventure in Rwanda, it might have made our expectations for the gorilla trek slightly different, but as it was we were expecting it to be as difficult as the gorilla trek and it was quite the relief that it wasn’t.

Getting Out of Bed
Baby Jumping on Mom
Keeping an Eye on Us

Both of our trekking experiences in Rwanda were absolutely amazing and something that we will treasure forever. These animals are much larger than you realize until they are right next to you and to see them in the wild is truly fascinating. Knowing that very few people get the opportunity to do what we were able to do also adds to the uniqueness of the memory.

A Look Back at Adventures in 2023

We were more quiet this past year than we have been previously, but that doesn’t mean that we weren’t busy. We are truly looking forward to the new year and going on new adventures, but it is always worth looking back at the places that we visited last year. We were able to go on two truly spectacular trips last year, the first being to Dubai and then to Nepal in March and the second was our trip to Rwanda in September. In between were able to visit some other places closer to our new home on the east coast including Ocean City, Maryland, as well as spending time in Washington DC.

Silverback Deep in Thought
Temple in Kathmandu
Ceremonial Dance in Rwanda
Another View of the Everest Summit

Going to Kathmandu in Nepal was an absolutely amazing experience that we will certainly treasure forever. The highlight of the trip was taking a high-altitude helicopter to see the base camp at Mount Everest. We have spent many years hiking in the mountains of Colorado, but there is something truly magical about standing amongst the peaks of the Himalayan Mountains. In addition to seeing the incredible scenery, we also spent time visiting the temples and learning about the fascinating culture. The people were extremely friendly and made us feel welcome from the moment that we landed in the country.

Chimpanzee Giving Us the Cold Shoulder
Buddha Statue in Nepal
Baby Gorilla with His Mother
Sitting on the Boat in Lake Kivu in Rwanda

Later in the year, we returned to Africa once again, this time to trek to spend time with gorillas and then chimpanzees in Rwanda. After our trip to Kenya and Tanzania in 2021 where we went on an extended safari, we made a pledge to ourselves that we would return one day to see the mountain gorillas in the wild. It was certainly worth the effort of hiking through thick vegetation of the rain forest to spend time with these docile creatures who seemed as truly interested in spending time with us as we did with them. No words could ever truly capture the awe and beauty of the time that we spent amongst these incredible animals.

High-Altitude Helicopter
So Many Skyscrapers in Dubai
Temple in Nepal
Crowds on the Boardwalk in Ocean City

Either of these trips would have been an incredible memory that would last a lifetime, but to do both of them in the same year was even more spectacular. The many, many hours that spent traveling to and from these remote locations was worth every minute for the experiences that we had and the people that we met. We have yet to share all of our stories from those two trips, so we are committed to being better in 2024 to post more about those trips as well as the adventures that we are planning on for this coming year. If this year is anywhere close to 2023, we certainly expect to have many more adventures to share in the coming months.