The Black Beaches of Iceland

There was so much spectacular scenery as we drove around the southern and western parts of Iceland. As we drove along the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, we really enjoyed seeing the black beaches, which are basically lava flows that extend into the ocean. The peninsula is often referred to as “Iceland in miniature” because it has everything from beaches, volcanos, glaciers, and an abundance of wildlife. Seeing the beauty of the beaches is a reminder as to the forces of nature and how these forces continuously interact with one another. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Colors that Start with the Letter B, we are sharing a few of the photos that we took of those amazing black beaches and lava flows in Iceland.

Amazing Black Beach
Rugged Coastline
Black Lava in the Surf
Lava Eroded into Cliffs
Looking Down the Coast
Dramatic Coastline
Road along the Coast
Powerful Lava Flows

Walking in the Steps of the Incan Empire

During our trip to Bolivia, we truly enjoyed visiting Incan ruins such as Incallajta and Tiwanaku. We learn so much about the ancient civilizations of Rome and Egypt, but very little is taught in schools about the Inca and the empire that they created in South America. Its size and political systems rivaled any other empire of the early 16th century. While we were in the ruins of Incallajta, we walked the same paths that the guards walked around the ancient city as they protected it from rival tribes that lived in the forests. Since there were no other tourists at the site and it was just us and our guide walking the trails, it was especially awe-inspiring. We climbed to about 11,000 feet (about 3,350 meters) where we had a spectacular view of the entire complex. Join us on the trails of the ancient Inca and walk with us as we traverse the outer wall of the ancient city of Incallajta.

Walking an Incan Trail
Looking Down on the Ruins
Walking along the Ancient Walls
Ancient Trails Converted to Roads
The Path of the Incan Guards
View from the Observatory

Crossroads of Life

We all make decisions every day, some small and some large. Every now and then we need to make decisions that may change our lives going forward. Do we keep going the direction that we are on or do we turn right or left and change our course? It could be as simple as a decision like deciding to start this blog a couple of years ago or as complex as selling our home and moving to Europe for an extended period of time. Even the decision to travel to one place versus another can impact your life in ways that you never expected. Life is full of these seemingly inconsequential decisions that can ultimately change the course that you take going forward. We seem to be facing more and more complex decisions as of late and perhaps we are at a crossroads where life might make a drastic turn. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Corner, so we are sharing some photos of intersections representing where we are currently standing today, in the intersection of the past and future.

Crossing the Street in Prague
Intersection in Strasbourg
Corner in Reykjavik
Women on a Corner in Cochabamba
Rounding a Corner in Morocco
Intersection in Manitou Springs, Colorado