We have finally arrived in Frankfurt. We have plenty to do ahead of us, but for now “we are here” as we have reminded ourselves several times. Plenty to look forward to over the next several months, but for the time being we will rest, get our bearings, and start planning the days ahead. One step at a time, but excited about the opportunity that is now directly in front of us.
We posted a few weeks ago that we are going to live in Germany for a little while and while it has taken an extra couple weeks to finalize the details, the time is quickly approaching. We have booked our flights and have our hotel set while we search for an apartment. We leave on September 28th for Frankfurt and actually booked round trip tickets and our return flight is March 8, 2017. As you can imagine, there is a lot for us to finalize over the next two weeks, so we apologize in advance for our limited interactions. Since we won’t have a lot of time to do full posts, we will be re-posting some of our earlier posts because we have gained a lot of new friends over the past year. We can’t wait to share our adventures once we get to Germany. We will be working during the week, so it isn’t as though we will be on vacation for the entire time, but we will be travelling as much as possible. Maybe we will see some of you soon ☺.
We have been waiting as patiently as we could to finally write this post. About a month ago we were approached by work with an opportunity to move to Europe for several months. It has always been a dream of ours to live in Europe and be able to take advantage of the close proximity to visit as many countries as possible. Although it won’t be as long as we might have hoped for, it will be long enough for us to truly make the most of it. We will be moving to Frankfurt, Germany, which is pretty centrally located, so we should be able to see a fair amount during the several months that we’ll be living there.
Another View of the Swiss Alps
This will be the first time that we’ve lived outside of United States, so it will certainly be an adjustment for us. We’re not one of those couples who sell all of their belongings, quit their jobs, and travel the world, but this is as close as we’ll probably come to that. For all of our friends who live in Europe, we’ll definitely be seeking any advice that you can provide to us when we arrive in September. We are extremely excited to make the most of the opportunity that we’ve been given. Maybe we’ll see some of you soon ☺. Since we don’t have any pictures from Germany, we put a few pictures of the Swiss Alps from one of our flights.