CB&W - Living The Q Life Travel AdventuresExplore The World With Us One Country At A TimeThu, 14 Jul 2016 19:07:06 +0000en-UShourly1https://s0.wp.com/i/webclip.pngCB&W - Living The Q Life Travel Adventures3232 94661481Where Does All of the Time Go?/2016/07/14/where-does-all-of-the-time-go/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=where-does-all-of-the-time-go/2016/07/14/where-does-all-of-the-time-go/#commentsThu, 14 Jul 2016 19:07:06 +0000/?p=3912Days, weeks, months, years; the all seem to be flying by these days. One of our favorite quotes is, “life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes”. Funny, but also too true. We’ve been extremely busy lately, which seems to make time go by …

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The post Where Does All of the Time Go? first appeared on Isobar Expeditions.
