Across the Rooftops

We have shared photos of cities from the heights of a tall building or tower previously because they provide wonderful views of the city. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is Roofs, so we decided to revisit the aerial views of some cities that focus on the rooftops below. We especially wanted to share this photo of the roof of Saint Stephen’s Church in the center of old town Vienna, Austria. In addition to this most recent picture, we decided to also share a couple of photos from Chennai, India, as we found the roofs and buildings there to be fascinating.

View of the Roof of Saint Stephen’s Church
Looking out towards Vienna
Close Up View of the Roof of the Church
Neighborhood in Chennai
Looking out over Chennai


Daily Post Photo Challenge – Chaos

Things have been very hectic in our lives lately, so we see chaos in a lot of our daily experiences. With that said, this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge reminds us of our trip to India, where everything about our time there seemed chaotic and sensually overwhelming. We couldn’t even imagine trying to drive on the roads in Chennai as there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the honking and movements that occurred. In many ways it was an odd dance of cars, rickshaws, motorcycles, and animals that all seemed to move in their own unison, dysfunctional as it may have seemed. So enjoy these photos from India for this week’s photo challenge.

Traffic Jam
Colorful Rickshaw in Chennai
Traffic on the Side of the Road
Market Place
Weaving through Traffic


When is a Door not a Door?

When we were in Chennai, India, several years ago, we had come across a store that sold interesting antiques. One of the most unusual items that we came across were tables that had been made out of antique doors. We came extremely close to purchasing this particular table and, in hind sight, regret not making the purchase. The thought of having to pay for shipping ended up discouraging us from making this unique piece of furniture part of our home decor.  Lesson learned, in the future we’re not going to let the logistics and costs of shipping keep us from purchasing something that we truly wanted to purchase.  Obviously that wouldn’t happen too often, but there are just times when you find something so special that you just need to bite the bullet and make the decision to get it.  Since we didn’t buy, we’ll just have to go back to Chennai someday and see if we can find it again.

The Table We Wish We’d Bought

So, this is our entry into this week’s Discover Challenge – The Story Behind a Door