Latest Blog Posts

  • Bolivia – Land of Untapped Potential

    Our trip to Bolivia was one of the most interesting trips that we’ve ever taken and we have a lot of experiences that we want to share. Before we describe each unique adventure that we were able to enjoy, we wanted to share our overall impressions of Bolivia in general.  As with all countries, Bolivia… Read more

  • Our Last Day in South America

    We start our two-day travel to return home from South America very early tomorrow morning, but we’ve got one last day to enjoy La Paz and eat some more Bolivian food (although it is pretty heavy). We survived our trip down “Death Road” yesterday on our way to see some beautiful waterfalls in the town… Read more

  • High Altitude Adventure

    We spent the last day and a half in La Paz enjoying a little bit of luxury after a week in Cochabamba. Tomorrow we head to Lake Titikaka followed by a trip down “Death Road” to the Yungus Jungle. We’ll be home by the end of the week and finally be able to truly share… Read more

  • A Trip to Ancient Ruins

    After spending a relaxing day in Cochabamba, we visited the ancient ruins of the Inca village, Incallajta. They were amazing to see, especially from the top of the 10,500 foot peak above the village. Here are just a couple of photos from the day. Read more

  • Out of the Jungle

    After a couple of days trekking through the Amazon jungle, we’re back in Cochabamba, happy to have a hot shower again. We had an incredible time and will tell you all about it when we’re back home, but here are a couple of photos to let you know what we’ve been seeing.   Read more

  • First Full Day in Cochabamba, Bolivia

    After thirty hours travelling yesterday, we spent our first full day in Cochabamba. We are about to leave in the morning for a couple of days in the Amazon jungle. Can’t wait to share more, but here is a photo of Cochabamba from the Cristo de la Concordia (more on that later). Read more