Latest Blog Posts

  • Making Sense of a Complex World

    Since the beginning of mankind, we have all struggled to make sense of the world around us. It is in our human nature to try and make order out of the chaos that is our world. It is as true today as it was during the dawn of time, although the source of the chaos… Read more

  • Do You Romanticise Travel?

    Have you ever noticed that whenever you talk to someone who has just returned from a trip, it was always the best trip of their life. It is as if, somehow, every trip that someone takes it is nothing but sunshine, magical moments, and the most amazing sights. Yes, you are right, we are guilty… Read more

  • Flavors Can Take You Places

    Just as flavorful dishes can take you back to a place that you have visited before, drinks can do the same thing. Whether it is a fruity tropical drink, a specialty drink for a region, or something that represents the season of the year, drinks can take you to a place in your memories. For… Read more

  • A Taste of Las Vegas

    As we mentioned before, our latest trip to Las Vegas was really about getting some down time and relaxing. When traveling to Las Vegas, food is always a highlight of any trip and this trip was no different. We went to a few of our favorite places to eat, but also purposely chose to go… Read more

  • Friendships from Frankfurt

    One of the last things that we did before leaving Frankfurt was to go around to our favorite places and take photos of some of the friends that we had made. We feel fortunate to have met such wonderful people who were a tremendous help to us as we struggled to live in a foreign… Read more

  • Brothers Grimm Museum in Kassel, Germany

    Kassel is part of the German Fairy Tale Route and is best known for being where the Brother’s Grimm went to university and lived. The museum itself is dedicated more to the work that the brothers did on documenting the German language and creating the definitive German dictionary than on the fairy tales that made… Read more