Latest Blog Posts

  • From Sun Island to Moon Island

    We truly loved visiting the islands of Lake Titicaca.  For this week’s Discover Challenge: The Things We Leave Behind, we chose this photo from Sun Island with Moon Island off in the distance.  We have visited a lot of ruins, but seeing ruins on an island is a unique experience. Read more

  • America’s Mountain

    Living in Colorado Springs at the base of Pikes Peak is truly a wonderful place to not only live, but for friends and family to come and visit.  One thing that everyone who visits us loves to do is to take the cog railway to the top of Pikes Peak.  The cog railway, which is the… Read more

  • Costa del Sol – The Spanish Riviera

    We spent two weeks in Spain a couple of years ago and we chose the town of Estepona as our “home base” while we were there. We had rented a car, so it was the perfect location to launch from to get to all of the surrounding cities and towns. In addition to being able… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Details

    For this week’s photo challenge, details, we decided to use a few photos from our trip into the jungle at Carrasco National Park in Bolivia. Taking close-up pictures isn’t something that we do too often, but every now and then we do take a few and we took all of these photos from that one… Read more

  • Our Actions Define Us

    For those who’ve read posts from in the past, it is probably clear that we tend to stay focused on talking about our travel experiences, food, and sharing some of our photography, not on current events or politics. With that said, we felt compelled to say at least something about the horrific and brutal attack… Read more

  • Where Does All of the Time Go?

    Days, weeks, months, years; the all seem to be flying by these days. One of our favorite quotes is, “life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes”. Funny, but also too true. We’ve been extremely busy lately, which seems to make time go by… Read more