Views from the Airplane

It is hard to believe that it has been more than five months since the last time that we boarded an airplane to go someplace new. Several years ago we started taking photographs through the windows of the airplanes, cars, and trains that we travel on. We actually find it interesting to look back not only at the locations that we’ve visited, but also the journey itself, to, from, and around the various countries. When we visited Acapulco in Mexico this past February, just prior to countries shutting down, we boarded a plane prior to the sun having even starting to rise. We watched the sunrise as we flew into Houston to catch our connection to continue on to Mexico. We look back at that particular journey with a combination of sadness and longing to travel once again.

First Hint of the Sunrise
The Mountains of Mexico
Looking Out of Our Window
Sun Just Crossing the Horizon
First Sign of the Coast
Another Airplane on the Tarmac at Sunrise

People Never Look Up

It is a proven fact that people generally don’t look upwards and tend to keep their eyes forward or down. It is a shame sometimes as they are likely missing out on some beautiful scenery. We’re not saying that we are better than others at it, but we do try to look up at times, especially when we go hiking. We have seen a variety of birds and other animals by scanning the tree branches above us for anything that might be moving. Although things don’t appear to be looking up in general, here are a few images to help us all look up.

Hiking in the Amazon Jungle of Bolivia

Obelisk Reaching to the Sky in Luxor, Egypt

Seabird Overhead

Aspen Leaves and Blue Skies

In the Ecuadorian Jungle

Autumn Tree in Koblenz, Germany

Bird Taking Flight in Panama


Another Colorado Sunset

One of the things that we love about living in Colorado are the incredible sunsets that we get from time to time. We enjoy seeing sunsets wherever we go, but there is something about seeing a sunset from your own home that is truly special. Perhaps it is the effect of the radiant colors, but watching a sunset is not only tranquil, but usually gives a warm feeling inside. Stopping for a moment and just watching the colors of the sky change and the sun dip below the horizon is almost like a micro-vacation, even if for only a few minutes. One of the things that made this sunset a little unique was that we weren’t facing west, watching the sun drop below the peaks of the mountains, but instead were facing east and seeing the rays of the sun get collected by the clouds. We took the photos with our phones, so the quality might not be as crisp, but you can still get a sense of it beauty. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Beloved and there is nothing that represents that more to us than these serene moments.

The Initial View

Swirling Clouds

Just Above the Trees

Consuming the Sky in the End