In the Thick of It

We have started to contemplate our first adventure since arriving back in the States from Europe. One thing that we agreed upon when we were abroad was that we would focus on Central and South America after we returned home. With that in mind, the one place that keeps coming up in our conversations is Ecuador. We haven’t completely decided if that is where we will go next, but if it isn’t Ecuador, it will likely be someplace similar. It is hard to believe that is has almost been a year since our trip to Bolivia last May. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Dense, so we thought that we would share a few photos of the dense rainforest where we went hiking.

Looking Up Through the Jungle Canopy
Dense Rainforest
Rocky Riverbed
Trees as Far as the Eyes Can See



Yellow invokes a feeling of warmth and comfort and it is definitely one of nature’s favorite hues. It feels sunny and happy and can brighten almost any day. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Yellow, we decided that the Palacio Portales in Cochabamba, Bolivia, best exemplified the feeling. Yellow is a bold color for a home, but sometimes it works perfectly, like in this case.

Palace of the Doors in Cochabamba, Bolivia


The Eyes Have It

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week is Eyes and we couldn’t help but think about the elusive Owl Butterfly that we saw in the jungle while we were in Bolivia. Not only do you get the eye on the wing, but blue eye of the butterfly itself is pretty interesting. We were lucky that it stayed so still and even though it was the middle of the day, it felt like nighttime with the dense canopy of the rainforest over our heads. Not everyone likes insects, but this one was definitely interesting to see.

Amazing Owl Butterfly