There probably isn’t anything more relaxing than getting away from the crowds and walking around a lake in the mountains with no one else around. With temperatures heating up, we are enjoying hiking once again and the higher altitudes mean more comfortable weather. We really enjoy this trail, which is one of our favorites, as we are able to make it as long or as short of a hike as we would like. We went on a weekday afternoon so that we could avoid the crowds and truly immerse ourselves into nature.
Beautiful Mountain LakeWater on the TrailDown on the ShoreRugged SceneryLooking Down at the Lake
The trail is located about 20 minutes from our house and takes you past a couple of reservoirs. The first part of the trail is relatively steep, but then it somewhat flattens out. As we always say, you can’t go hiking in the mountains without expecting some difficult terrain. There are often people fishing in the lakes or sitting on the shore enjoying a picnic. It certainly made for a relaxing afternoon and a good way to start getting back into hiking shape. We are planning to get on a trail again this weekend, but this time we expect to choose a trail that we’ve never hiked before.
More Views than Just the LakeWildflowers are Starting to BloomWe Could Stand There for HoursBoulders Along the Trail
One of the things that we enjoy when we are hiking is finding some hidden treasures from the past. At least here in Colorado, it is not uncommon to find sites from some of the original settlers being semi-preserved on the lands of state and national parks. Not only are these cabins and ruins fascinating to see, but they are a reminder as to the harshness of nature and how difficult life must have been for those early adventurers. It is hard to imagine what life must have been like living without heat in a wooden cabin deep in the woods with wolves, bears, coyotes, and other animals all around. On a bright, sunny day, it becomes clear why someone would want to brave the elements in order to live in such a beautiful place. It must have been truly special to walk out of your front door every day and see the glory of nature. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is words that start with W and have at least two vowels. We have put together a collection of different wooden cabins that we have encountered during our various hikes in the Colorado mountains.
Looking Up at a Cabin on the TrailRoof CollapsingInside of a CabinCabin in Beaver CreekJust the Wooden Logs RemainingSnow Covered RoofPerhaps Still in UseNear Cripple CreekNot Safe to Enter
On a clear day, Cotopaxi is an ominous sight that can be seen looming in the distance outside of Quito. It is an active volcano that last erupted in August of 2015 and spewed ash and steam until January of 2016. You are no longer able to hike all of the way to the top, but you can hike up to the refuge shelter that sits about half way up the side of the volcano. There are evacuation route signs throughout the park providing a sense of how seriously one should take the possible threat of a future eruption.
View of the Refuge ShelterEvacuation Route SignView from the Base of Cotopaxi
Upon entering the park, you pass through a forest that is owned by a local lumber mill that provides wood for making furniture and other items. The road quickly deteriorates as you move your way closer to the base of the mountain and you pass through fields with wild horses roaming in the grasslands. It was a cloudy, foggy day, as is often the case, during our visit to the Cotopaxi National Park. We did get a few glimpses of the peak, although most of the time is was shrouded by clouds.
The steep road, which was made up of deep sand and ash, continued to get more and more difficult to travel the closer we got towards the trailhead. At several spots the road was almost unpassable due to the deep, slippery, sand and then as we rounded a bend just short of the trailhead, our driver got stuck and was not able to make it up the steep slope. We were just one of several vehicles that were not able to make it up this stretch of road even though we were in an all-wheel drive vehicle. It is definitely important to have a 4-wheel drive vehicle if you want to make it to the trailhead. We could have hiked up to the trailhead and then continued to the shelter house, but decided that due to the cold conditions and high altitude that we would pass on this particular hike.
Better Part of the RoadWind Swept Grasslands and Shrouded Volcano
Our guide then took us to the Limpiopungo glacier lake, which was created centuries ago and is home to an abundance of waterfowl and other birds. We did a nice hike around the lake, enjoying views of the wetlands and the volcano on the horizon. It was cold and windy, but the hike was very pleasant anyway. Afterwards, we stopped at a small, family-owned restaurant to enjoy a nice hot lunch before returning to Quito in the afternoon.
Ducks on the LakeHikers on the Trail around the LakeAnother Waterfowl
Visiting Cotopaxi is a simple, hour and a half drive from Quito and is well worth the time to visit. There are so many volcanoes in Ecuador that are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire and each is unique in their own way. If it is possible to go on a sunny day, you will be greeted with stunning views of the snow capped volcano.
Interesting WildflowersLooking across Limpiopungo Glacier LakeBirds on the Shore