Cabo San Lucas

We’ve been home from Cabo San Lucas for a little over a week now and we’re already going through withdrawal.  We’ve had one blizzard since getting home and are expecting snow on Thanksgiving, so the sun and beach seem like a distant memory at this point.  We truly had a wonderful time visiting Cabo and walking around town and through the marina.

Restaurants in the Marina
Boats in Bay
Live Music at the Marina

As you walk through the marina, you’ll continuously be approached by sales people trying to get you to take a glass bottom boat, take you deep-sea fishing, go on a time share tour, or play golf at one of the many courses around the area.  It is definitely worthwhile taking a glass bottom boat out to the arch and to go to lover’s beach.  The marina is also where you board the different dinner cruises, party boats, and fishing boats.  We’ve done many of the different dinner and sunset cruises, but haven’t gone deep-sea fishing as of yet, perhaps on our next trip to Cabo.

Fishing Boats
Fresh Catch
Pelicans Waiting for Their Share

There are many wonderful restaurants in the marina as well, all of them offering fresh seafood and tasty drinks.  On Sunday, while we were there, we came across a restaurant offering all you can eat oysters.  Since we love oysters, we definitely took advantage of that opportunity.  At night-time, the marina area really comes to life with plenty of things to do and opportunities to people watch.

All You Can Eat Oysters
Restaurant in the Marina

The downtown area also has plenty of vendors where you can purchase local trinkets and bargain with the store owners to get the best price on you souvenirs.  At first it might feel awkward haggling over the price, but it is expected and don’t feel intimidated.  If you don’t want to go downtown, there are plenty of vendors walking up and down the beach bringing souvenirs to all of the resorts for you to purchase.

Vendors on the Beach
Horses on the Beach
Glass Bottom Boat

At the resorts themselves, you can arrange kayaking, paddle boarding, parasailing, jet skis, golf, and more.  There are also people walking the beach with horses so that you can take a romantic horse back ride along the beach.  Our favorite thing about Cabo is the size of the resorts.  There aren’t huge resorts with thousands of rooms, so whether going into town, walking the beach, or sitting around the pool, you’re not overwhelmed by tremendous crowds.  We can hardly wait for our next trip to the beach, but it is going to have to wait for a little while.

Lover’s Beach in the Distance
Horse Back Riding
Frog Legs at the Marina


Give and You Will Receive

It definitely isn’t true all of the time, but generally speaking, if you’re willing to give, you will get just as much in return. This is true whether it is just about being nice to the people around you or whether it comes to tipping the staff who waits on you. We’re probably guilty of over tipping at times, but we try to get to know the people who take care of us, especially if we’re going to be in a place for several days or weeks, and we tend to truly care about them by the time we leave.

On Our First Day, We Received a Duck
Sea Shell Comforter

When we’re at a resort, we will leave a tip for the housekeeping crew that comes to clean our room. We do it because that we know the resorts don’t pay them too much money to begin with, but also because they will usually make an extra effort and do something special in our room. On our trip to Cabo, we once again left a nominal tip every day, 20 pesos, which is about a 1 US dollar. Every day, when we returned to our room, we were greeted with another swan or other creation made from the towels and bed linens.

The same is true when it came to the waiter who took care of us at the pool every day. First and foremost, we took time to talk with him, learn a little about him, and yes we tipped him at the end of the day as well. In return, Castillo was always taking caring of us, bringing us whatever we needed, finding us wherever we might be in the pool area to make sure we were taken care of.

Then the First of the Swans
Sea Shell Towel

First and foremost, don’t give with the expectation of getting something in return. If you do, you will likely end up disappointed. However, if you give of yourself, treat others as you’d like to be treated, and genuinely show compassion to your fellow life travelers, you will find happiness wherever you go.  It doesn’t take any effort to show compassion and treat those around you with the respect that they deserve.

More Swans
The Largest Swan
The Original Bed

Nothing But Sunsets

If you pay close enough attention to our posts, you’ll notice that you never see any sunrise pictures, but plenty of sunset pictures.  The reason is quite simple, when we’re travelling we don’t wake up early enough to take pictures of a sunrise.  If you ever do see us post a picture of a sunrise, you can almost guarantee that it is because we never went to bed ;).  Indeed, we take pictures of sunsets on almost every trip, but for obvious reasons, especially when we’re on a beach.  This is a bit of a hectic week as work is being unrelenting as we try to get everything done that we need to before heading to Cabo on Friday.  So we decided that this week we would share a few of our favorite sunsets.  It is amazing how different sunsets can look in all of the different places.

Sunset in Puerto Vallarta
Sunset in the Costa Del Sol in Spain
Sunset in Cabo San Lucas
Sunset at the Rock of Gibraltar
Sunset at Resort at Disney World
Sunset over the Pacific Ocean
Sunset in Aspen, Colorado
Another Cabo Sunset
Colorado Sunset
From Our House 🙂