The Praça do Comércio (Commerce Plaza) and Pink Street in Lisbon, Portugal

Located on one of the busiest streets in Lisbon, The Praça do Comércio or Commerce Plaza is certainly worth strolling around or stopping for a meal in one of the restaurants in the plaza. There are several features within the plaza that can’t be missed including the Rua Augusta Arch and the Statue of King Jose I. Located on the shore of the Tagus River, it was the location of the palace until the great earthquake of 1755 destroyed the palace and the plaza was rebuilt. The actual plaza is 175 meters by 175 meters or 30,600 square meters (574 feet by 574 feet or 329,000 square feet) making it one of the largest plazas in Portugal.

Top of the Arch
The Inside of the Rua Augusta Arch
Busy Streets Around the Plaza
Statue of Jose I
Details on the Statue

The Rua Augusta Arch is certainly quite impressive and is dedicated the valor and history of Portugal and was built after the earthquake of 1755 to commemorate the rebuilding of the city. There are several statues on the arch including one of the famous explorer Vasco da Gama. There is certainly no missing the statue of King Jose I riding his horse that is located at the center of the plaza. There is also a beer museum located in the plaza, but we didn’t visit it during our trip to Lisbon. We did, however, stop at one of the local restaurants to enjoy a charcuterie board with a variety of artisanal meats and cheeses.

Standing in the Commerce Plaza
Another View of the Arch
Dramatic Statue of Jose I
Architecture of the Plaza Buildings
Busy Restaurant where We Ate

Located near the plaza is a unique attraction in Lisbon that is known as “Pink Street” for obvious reasons. There are many restaurants and stores located on Pink Street, but you are likely to find lots of tourists posing dramatically as they take selfies of themselves. The rainbow-colored umbrellas that are suspended above the street add to the ambiance. We happened to be there just as the light of day was disappearing, which gave it an interesting glow. We decided to grab dinner at one of the local restaurants and sit outside by the street so that we could people watch while we enjoyed our meal.

Charcuterie Board
Pink Street
People Watching
Beer Museum
Enjoying Pink Street

If you are going to do any walking in the old town area of Lisbon, you will likely end up at Commerce Square at some point. The weather was overcast during the day that we visited, but that didn’t detract from the beauty of the arch and statues or of the architecture of the buildings. Pink Street certainly isn’t a must when visiting Lisbon, but it is a fun destination, especially in the evening, for those looking for a different experience.

Our Dinner on Pink Street
Looking Up at the Umbrellas
King Jose I

Walking Tour of Sofia’s Old City Center in Bulgaria

One of the things that we did during our visit to Sofia in Bulgaria was to take a walking tour of the old city center, which included a traditional breakfast. We truly enjoy walking through the old city centers of historic towns and often do a self-guided tour, but in this particular case we chose to use a local guide to ensure that we learned as much of the history as we could. The history of Sofia stretches back thousands of years and like many Eastern European cities it has been transformed and conquered many times throughout the centuries. From the Trojans, Romans, Ottoman Empire, and Communist regime, it has seen a wide variety of cultural and architectural influences.

Regional History Museum of Sofia
Saint Sofia Basilica
Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Monument to Stefan Stambolov
Inside of the Serdica Ancient Cultural and Communicative Complex

There are many fascinating sites all throughout the old city center, starting with the Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. In addition to the cathedral, the walking tour will also take you to the Saint Sofia Basilica, Banya Bashi Mosque, Church of St Petka of the Saddlers, and Saint Nedelya Church. You will also enjoy seeing many historical and cultural buildings such as the Ivan Vazov National Theater, Regional History Museum of Sofia, Sofia City Court, and the National Palace of Culture. As with any city center, you will also see many statues and monuments including several interesting ones such as the Tsar Samvel Monument, Monument to Tsar Liberator, and the Monument to Stefan Stambolov.

Banya Bashi Mosque
Bulgarian Guards
Monument to Volunteer Soldiers
Inside of the Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Saint Nedelya Church

One of the most interesting sites along the tour is the archeological excavations at the Serdica Ancient Cultural and Communicative Complex. It will provide some insight into the period when the Romans controlled the city and used it as a stronghold in the region. Walking through the various zones, both inside and outside, at the complex is quite fascinating and was definitely one of the highlights of the walking tour. In the middle of the tour, we stopped for a quick breakfast that included Baklava, Banitsa, and Ayran, which is yogurt mixed with water and salt. The Banitsa is another layered pastry made with filo dough and cheese.

Traditional Bulgarian Breakfast
Roman Ruins in Sofia
Yellow Cobblestone, Brick Roads
Monument to Tsar Liberator
Interesting Architecture

We were fortunate to have wonderful weather on the day that we did our walking tour, which certainly added to our enjoyment. We walked through several parks with beautiful greenery in the heart of the city. Another interesting thing were the cobblestone, brick roads that were painted yellow to resemble gold in an attempt to demonstrate the wealth of the city and its leaders. The entire tour took a little less than three hours and if you decide to do the tour on your own and go inside more of the museums than we did, you can make it a full-day activity. It is certainly a must-do when visiting Sofia in Bulgaria.

More from the Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
One of the Many Statues in the Park
Ancient Roman Ruin
National Palace of Culture
Sofia City Hall
Tsar Samvel Monument
Medieval Orthodox Temple of Petka Samardjiyska
Another Statue Celebrating a Political Figure

Bryant Park in New York City

Although everyone knows about Central Park in Manhattan, another park worth visiting is Bryant Park. It is located between 5th and 6th avenues and 40th and 42nd streets. The park offers a variety of events throughout the year, as well as a stage where performances occur on a regular basis. It is another of the many areas within New York City where people can enjoy some green scenery and relax in the otherwise hectic city. It is quite popular for a variety of reasons, so expect there to be large crowds gathering in the park, even on weekdays.

Soothing Fountain at Bryant Park
Le Carrousel at Bryant Park
People Relaxing in the Park
Statue of William Cullen Bryant

In the park, there is a large fountain located by the stage that offers a definite sense of cooling on the hot and humid day that we visited. A favorite of families is the “Le Carrousel”, which is obviously a carrousel with whimsical animals bobbing up and down as they rotate around in a circle. For those wishing a refreshing drink or some food while sitting outside and enjoying the views of the park, there is the Bryant Park Cafe. If you are looking for more formal inside dining, there is also the Bryant Park Grill with a full-service menu.

Walking Through the Park
Some of the Many Flowers
Flowered Wall Outside of the Bryant Park Grill
People Relaxing and Eating at the Bryant Park Cafe

In addition to those items, there is an area to play ping pong, as well as other areas to play chess and checkers. The park is also adjacent to the New York Public Library. The statue of William Cullen Bryant, for whom the park is named, certainly has a prime location and cannot be missed when walking through the park. There is also a statue of Gertrude Stein in Bryant Park as well. With colorful flower beds, large shade trees, and an abundance of park benches, it is a great place to sit and relax for a while. Bryant Park might not be as famous or as large as Central Park, it is still a worthwhile place to visit when spending time in Manhattan.

Statue of Gertrude Stein
Pocket Park Sign
New York City Library and Skyscrapers Behind the Park
More Colorful Flowers