Wat That Luang Neua in Vientiane, Laos

Of the many temples that we visited during our time in Vientiane, Wat That Luang Neua was one of the most interesting. From the reclining Buddha statue to the colorful images depicting the life of Buddha, it is truly a beautiful temple. Located near the famous Pha That Luang, it is certainly worth taking the time to visit during a walking tour of Vientiane.

Reclining Buddha at the Temple
Colorful Paintings
Golden Statue
Monks in the Temple
View of the Temple Ceiling
Ceremonial Items Inside the Temple

The golden statues are all quite interesting as you walk around the temple grounds. The temple itself is very open and has paintings depicting the life of Buddha all over the ceiling. The colors are so vibrant and the paintings are so interesting that one could spend hours looking at them. Local residents were setting up tables to provide food to the monks who worship there. It was certainly fascinating for us to see them going through their daily rituals.

More Monks in the Temple
Setting Up for Lunch
Entrance to a Temple Building
Openness of the Temple
Detailed Artwork
Buddha Statue

There are so many wats, or temples, to see in Vientiane, but Wat That Luang Neua is definitely a highlight. Considering how hot it was during our time in Vientiane, any time in the shade or inside of building was certainly a welcome relief. Going to several of the temples to see how they vary is something that we would definitely recommend.

Standing In the Temple Courtyard
Visually Stunning Temple
Details on a Temple Building
Telling the Story of Buddha
Depiction of a Statue that Was Under Construction
Another View of the Golden Statue
Temple Building
Close-Up of the Reclining Buddha



Church of St. George in Cairo, Egypt

During our trip to Cairo, we took a day to visit Coptic Cairo, which is a section of Old Cairo with the Babylon Fortress, Abu Serga (Cave Church), and the Church of St. George. The Church of St. George is a Greek Orthodox church that dates back to the 10th century, although the current church buildings were built in 1909 after being destroyed in a fire in 1904. Sitting on top of a hill with a steep set of stairs, the architecture of the church is definitely interesting and impressive.

St. George on the Front of the Church
Chandeliers in the Church
Trees Along the Walls of the Cemetery
Stairs Leading to the Church
Golden Eye
Silver Cross and Candlesticks

As you approach the church, there is no doubt as to who it is dedicated as there are several murals with images of St. George defeating the dragon, including the large relief on the front of the church itself. The church tower also has a wind-vane that features a dragon that hovers over the church. The church itself is a round building with a large dome over the center, which is quite stunning and dramatic.

Wind-Vane on Top of the Tower
Ornate Altar
Ceiling of the Dome
Tomb with a Statue
Cemetery Grounds
St. George Slaying the Dragon Mosaic

Next to the church is a cemetery with beautiful grounds and a variety of crypts and tombs. Seeing a Christian cemetery in the heart of Cairo was certainly unique and it was quiet and peaceful in the otherwise hectic city. One of the most interesting features in the cemetery was a mud and stone crypt that resembled a cave. There wasn’t any signage or information that indicated its history or purpose within the cemetery.

Tombs and Crypts
Church Garden
Cave in the Cemetery
Another St. George Image
Walking Through the Church

The interior of the Church of St. George was beautiful, especially with its colorful dome ceiling. Inside of the church, there was also a gold image of St. George slaying the dragon. There is certainly plenty to see in Old Cairo as well as in Coptic Cairo and we spent a couple of hours visiting the various sites.

Dome and Tower
Standing in the Church
Artwork in the Church
Marble Crypt


Street Art in Hanoi, Vietnam

Although Hanoi is a very hectic city with bustling streets and every inch of space being utilized, we did happen to find some interesting street art. The majority of the art was found on the highway as we headed from our hotel to the airport and we took the photographs from the car, but most of them were still clear and not blurry. One of the great things about street art is that it reminds us that we are all similar around the world. Images of people, family, home, and our natural surroundings are often subjects of street art, but it is the whimsical nature of the art that is often most common.

Singing and Dancing
Temple Building
Turtle God
On the Wall Behind the Basilica
Family Home
Royal Procession
Dragon God
Fish Mosaic
3-D Tiger
Another Dragon
Colorful Farm with Crops