One of the things that we have found interesting during our time here in Germany are the bridges that are covered in “love locks”, which are various locks clamped to the sides of the bridges. They are meant to be a sign of enduring love, an opportunity to show that couples are bound to each other throughout time, that they are one with each other. We are sure that some people find them to be a bit of an eyesore, but considering their message of optimism and hope, we have found them to be more of an image of beauty rather than of defecation. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Repurpose, so we thought that we would share a few photos of the love locks that we have seen since our arrival here in Europe.
Cologne GermanyFrankfurt, GermanyThe Two of Us on the Bridge in CologneGrowing Signs of Love
Throughout history, people have found new and different ways to inflict pain and suffering on one another. Unfortunately, we have seen too many of these throughout our lifetime, but at the same time, we have seen the very best of people in response to these atrocities. When we saw that this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge was Good and Bad, we had several thoughts about what represented such a theme. In the end, we ended up thinking about the good and bad of our human species. Just recently we went to Nuremberg and visited the court house where the Nazi war criminals were prosecuted and brought to justice. Having been to the holocaust museum in Washington D.C., it was somewhat surreal to step back in time revisit such a historic site where we, as a global community, stepped up and brought evil to justice. Even more poignant for ourselves was visiting the September 11 Memorial in New York. To see how first responders and others sacrificed in the face of such unimaginable hatred is as humbling as any experience could ever be. Photographs will certainly not capture the depth of the emotion, but here are a couple of images of these two special places that remind us not only of the bad things that people are capable of, but more importantly, of the good that arises to overcome any evil in our societies.
Inside of the Nuremberg Court HouseOne of the Fire Trucks from September 11View of the Nuremberg Court HousePhotograph of a Photograph from the 9/11 Memorial
Another View of the Nuremberg Court HouseInfinity Pool at the September 11 Memorial
We have been fortunate enough to see many various tranquil and graceful scenes throughout our lives. Sometimes it is a result of travel, but often it is just by the nature of living in such a beautiful state as Colorado. With that said, however, we decided to select this photo from one of our visits to Cabo San Lucas of a sailboat sailing on the ocean with the sun setting in the background. It is not only a relaxing image, but clearly represents our ability to become with nature, which is when we, as human beings, are at our best.