Unique Places to Visit – Chocolate Museum in Köln (Cologne), Germany

When we visited Köln during our time in Germany, we decided to take a tour of the Schokoladen Museum (Chocolate Museum). The museum is situated right on the Rhine river in the Rheinau Harbour next to old town and not far from the cathedral. The three story building is shaped like a large ship with floor to ceiling windows providing wonderful views of the river and city. Lindt is the official chocolatier of the museum and the highlight of the tour is tasting and buying the freshly made chocolate. There is even an opportunity to create a personalized chocolate bar with nut and candy toppings and fillings chosen by you.

Candy Bar Station
Candy Bar Tree and View of the Rhine River
Working Factory

The self-guided tour takes you through the history of chocolate making with displays that contain the machines and molds that were used in the 1800’s to the modern era. The museum itself is a working chocolate factory where you can watch the process from beginning to end. There are a variety of spectacular chocolate creations to admire throughout the museum.

Chocolate Angel
Old Chocolate Press
Making Chocolate
Topping and Filling Choices

Obviously, it is great place to visit with children with all of the moving objects, chocolate displays, and sweets to eat, but it is fun for adults as well. A small botanical garden with cocoa trees and a replica of an old-time chocolate store add to the museum’s charm. There is also a restaurant on-site where you can sit and enjoy a nice meal while watching the boats that make their way along the river.

Whimsical Creations
Botanical Garden
Chocolate Store
Entrance Sign

All of the information provided in the museum is in both English as well as German, making it friendly for tourists as well as locals. If you have a couple of hours and want to do something indoors, the Chocolate Museum is certainly a worthwhile destination. You may just have to keep your sweet-tooth in check, otherwise you might end up leaving with a month’s supply of chocolate delights.

Chocolate Creations
Sweet Delights

Aswan High Dam in Egypt

At the end our Nile River cruise from Luxor to Aswan, we visited the High Dam. Most of us have heard about the Aswan dam, but there are really two dams, an older dam and the newer one, which is referred to as the High Dam. It was built to end the flooding that used to occur on a regular basis along the Nile River and has truly helped the agriculture business in Egypt. In addition to controlling the water, it is also a source of a lot of the power needed in the regions, so power lines are abundant across the surrounding desert landscape. One interesting side effect of the dam was that it has trapped all of the crocodiles for which the Nile is famous south of the dam, so you won’t see any crocodiles between Luxor and Aswan.

Nearing the Dam Viewing Area

Dam Generating Power

Looking Out From the Dam

Sign Explaining the Dam Area

Boat on the Lake

The Aswan High Dam is interesting from a historical perspective, but actually visiting the dam is, quite frankly, not particularly fascinating. There are tours that you can take south of the dam, but we didn’t do any during our visit to Egypt. We spent about 30 minutes walking around the dam in the simmering heat of Aswan, which was the hottest location that we experienced during our time in Egypt. If you go to Aswan, it is probably worthwhile to see the dam, but it certainly isn’t worth going out of your way to visit, at least in our opinion.

Power Lines as Far as the Eyes Can See

Dam Wall

Surviving a Very Hot Day

Flowers at the Tourist Stop

Dam Shoreline

Sign at the Entrance

Autumn Leaves Strewn Across the Paths and Sidewalks

We may still be the heat of summer, but Autumn is certainly coming as this year seems to be going by fast and slow all at the same time. Whenever we travel during the Fall season, we often take photographs of the leaves either spread across the ground or across the paths and trails that we’re walking along. Regardless of whether it is in the mountains or in the cities, the leaves tend to fall everywhere all around you as walk amongst the trees. There is something very soothing and relaxing about looking at the leaves strewn across the ground.

Cool Temperatures and Fallen Leaves
Walking through a Park in Germany
Stairs to the Castle in Heidelberg, Germany
Aspen Leaves
Aspen Leaves on Snow Covered Trail
Walking along the Rhine