Delicious Apple Bourbon Cocktails – Perfect for Autumn

Autumn is a time for special occasions, celebrating, and comfort food. It isn’t all about the food, though, it is also a time for special drinks and cocktails. Obviously we love gluhwein, mulled ciders, and other autumnal drinks, but we decided to do something a little different. We made an Apple Bourbon Cocktail (an “ABC” for short) with apple cider that was infused overnight with spices. The warmth of the spices pairs really well with a quality bourbon and it is definitely a festive cocktail. If you don’t want the alcohol, you can serve it as “mocktail”, but we prefer the version that has a little bit of a kick. We really enjoyed it, so hopefully you will as well.

Autumn Spices


  • 2 cups Apple Cider (not apple juice, it needs to be a true apple cider)
  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 2 Whole Cloves
  • 1 Star Anise
  • 8 oz Bourbon
  • Apple Slices for garnish
Everything You Need for an Apple Bourbon Cocktail


Place the apple cider, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise in a mason jar and put in the refrigerator for about 24 hours (at least overnight). To serve, strain the apple cider and add 4 ounces of apple cider to 2 ounces of bourbon in a rocks glass (ice cubes are optional as the drink is meant to warm your insides). Garnish with an apple slice and serve. Makes 4 servings. Cheers!

A Single Serving
Drinks for Two

Autumn Apple Margarita

We enjoy drinks that represent the flavors of the season and autumn is certainly one of our favorites. We had heard about a couple of variations of margaritas made with apple cider and decided to create one of our own. Steeping the apple cider with orange, cinnamon, and cloves creates an extra warmth that is enhanced by the alcohol. This recipe should probably come with a warning as it tastes so good that you won’t notice how strong the drink actually is. The cider is also delicious on its own if you don’t want the alcohol. The recipe makes a pitcher, but it can easily be paired down for individual drinks.

Pitcher of Margaritas


  •  1 cup Gold Tequila
  •  1/2 cup Apple Brandy
  •  1 gallon Apple Cider (3 cups for drink)
  •  1/2 Orange – sliced
  •  4 Cinnamon Sticks
  •  8 Cloves

Steeping the Apple Cider


Put the apple cider in a large pot.  Add the orange slices, cinnamon, cloves and heat to just a simmer over medium-high heat and then reduce the heat to low. Let it heat on low for about 30 minutes, it should not boil, to allow the spices to steep throughout the apple cider. Strain the spices and fruit and let cool. For the pitcher of margaritas, combine the tequila, apple brandy, and 3 cups of the apple cider. Serve with an apple garnish.

Refreshing Taste of Autumn


Apfelwein – A Perfect Drink for the Season

As we toured through the old city, called Altstadt in German, we came across a wonderful little festival that is going on through next weekend. Besides the food vendors and vendors selling art, clothing, and souvenirs, there were also booths for wine and even better, Apfelwein, or apple wine. It isn’t actually a wine, but is actually a hard cider fermented from pressed apples. Unlike hard ciders that you find in the United States, this wasn’t as fruity, but rather more like a mild beer and quite delicious. It is always served in a lattice-patterned glass called a Gerippte and for larger groups you can get blue and gray pitchers called Bembels.

Apfelwien in Glasses

Festival Sign

Clowning Around

Although we have already had our fair share of local beers already, trying the Apfelwein was truly enjoyable, especially with the cool brisk autumn air and the leaves changing on the trees around us. Nothing seems to bring out the taste of autumn like apple and what better way to get that than an outstanding adult beverage. Not that we aren’t going to get our fill of apple strudel as well. Sitting in the old pubs, like the one in the town square called Alten Limpburg, is a great way to people watch, chat with the locals, and enjoy a nice pint of beer or refreshing glass of wine.

Sitting Inside of the Pub

Sitting Outside in the Town Square

We have learned a lot about the local Riesling wines as well as beers like Hefeweizen, which actually comes in more varieties that just light wheat, but we’ll share more about those another post. For now, sit back and imagine yourself enjoying a refreshing, fizzly, cider that will make you feel relaxed and ready for the upcoming winter. We have had a long day today as we went back to work for this first time since we moved to Frankfurt, so the vacation is over, but the explorations are not. We will enjoy the free time that we have, but for now we don’t have to imagine a glass of Apfelwien, we will go and relax with one to end our day and recuperate for tomorrow. 😀

Plenty of Good Beer to be Found

Alten Limpburg Crest