Isobar Expeditions

Variations of a Colorado Sunset


We love the sunsets that we get to see over the mountains of Colorado, they are especially vibrant during winter. As we watch the sun make its way toward the horizon, the skyline changes almost second by second. Just when we think that it can’t get any more spectacular, a minute later we are even more amazed. One of the places that we visit quite often has wonderful views of the mountains and we watched a couple of different sunsets over a two week period. After the sun made its way below the horizon, the sky turned to such a deep red in different ways on both occasions. We didn’t have our camera with us, so these photographs were taken with our phone. We have provided each sunset here in chronological order, so you’ll have to imagine enjoying a nice glass of wine and watching these beautiful sunsets.

Day One When the Sunset Caught Our Attention
Focusing on the Mountain Peaks
Reflecting Off of the Clouds
Absolutely Stunning with the Snow in the Foreground
One of the Last Views of Day One
Day Two as the Sun Dipped Below the Horizon
Starting to Reflect Against the Clouds
Changing from Yellow to Red
It was Like the Sky was on Fire
Final Views from Day Two
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