Helicopter Tour to Base Camp at Mount Everest from Kathmandu

One of the tours that we planned for our visit to Kathmandu was taking a helicopter tour up to the Mount Everest base camp. It was, without a doubt, not only a highlight of the trip to Nepal, but one of the most fascinating experiences that we’ve ever had the privilege to enjoy. Just the time in the helicopter as you travel from Kathmandu over the foothills and then rising ever higher into the Himalayan mountains was a spectacular experience. Then when the helicopter landed and we were able to stand on a peak overlooking base camp at a dizzying altitude of 17,500 feet and look up at the summit of Mount Everest, it was absolutely breathtaking.

Our Helicopter
One of the Many Himalayan Peaks
Dona with Mount Everest in the Background
Airplane Taking off from Lukla
Flying to Base Camp

The total tour takes around 4 hours as you fly from Kathmandu to the tiny Lukla Airport where many other helicopters would also land, provisions would be taken to the various hiking camps, and we even saw one plane make the harrowing take-off from the very short runway. After a 10 minute wait at Lukla, we then continued on to the valley at Pheriche, where our group of 5 was split with 2 people continuing on to the Kalapatthar while we enjoyed amazing views of all of the surrounding peaks until the helicopter returned to drop off the other 2 people and the 3 of us were flown to the viewing point. We only had about 10 minutes at the overlook site as we hadn’t had time to acclimatize to the altitude and even after a short amount of time, we felt a little light headed as we breathed in the very thin air.

Mount Everest
Helicopter Landing at the Base of the Mountains
Hikers on the Trail
Peter with Everest in the Background
Helicopter Overhead

After we returned to Pheriche to pick up the other 2 passengers, we continued on to the Hotel Everest where we were able to get breakfast and watch all of the hikers as they made their way up from the valley below before continuing to their campsites. We weren’t initially sure if we were going to be able to go on the tour as the high altitude helicopters only fly when the weather is good and the skies aren’t cloudy as they can’t tell when a cloud might be concealing a mountain peak. On the day that we went, the skies were clear and we had amazing views of Mount Everest. As we sat eating breakfast, however, the conditions changed and the clouds came whipping across the peaks and our tour guide quickly escorted us to our helicopter to fly us back to Kathmandu during a slight snow squall.

Loading Supplies
Foothills at the Start of Our Journey
Mountain Peak Near Lukla
Views as We Waited to Go to Base Camp
One of the First Peaks that We Saw

When we finally arrived back in Kathmandu and returned to our hotel, we had time to sit with a glass of wine and review the photographs and videos that we had taken. As with anything, as amazing as the photographs might be, there is no way to truly explain how it felt to stand there at the base of such an iconic mountain as Mount Everest and all of the other high Himalayan peaks. It will be a memory that we will truly cherish for the rest of our lives and something that we would recommend to anyone who visits Kathmandu. It isn’t an inexpensive venture, but well worth the cost for the incredible experience that it provides.

Another Video Heading to Base Camp
Lukla Airport
Another View of the Everest Summit
Our Helicopter Landing
More Himalayan Mountain Peaks
Helicopters Arriving at Lukla
Map of Our Tour

Relaxing Stay at the Canyons Village in Park City, Utah

There are two resort options when visiting Park City in Utah. The first is the Mountain Village located right next to the historic downtown area and the other is located outside the heart of Park City in Canyons Village. The selection that you make will likely be based on the type of experience that you are looking for in a stay in Park City. The Mountain Village has lots of activities and has plenty of lifts as well, but is busier due to its proximity to downtown. For a more laid back experience, Canyons Village would be your choice since it has everything that you need in a ski resort without as many people to contend with.

Part of the Canyons Village Central Area
View of Canyons Village from Holly’s Trail
Resorts, Chair Lifts, and Views
Heading Towards Red Tail Grill
Golf Course at Canyons Village

During our recent visit to Park City, we stayed at the Canyons Village and certainly enjoyed our time there. Although not all of the restaurants were open since it is considered low season in the fall, there were plenty of options for us to choose from and it is easy enough to either take a bus, Uber, or drive the twelve minutes to get into the historic downtown area. What we liked most about staying in Canyons Village was the fact that there were fewer crowds, with the exception of a few conventions, and it had everything that we needed. In addition to hiking and biking, there is also an excellent golf course located in Canyons Village with incredible views of the valley below.

Shops in the Courtyard at Canyons Village
Grassy Area with the Umbrella Bar
One of the Many Lifts in the Village
Spectacular Views from the Resort Area
One of Our Favorite Restaurants

Canyons Village was under some heavy construction while we were there as there is a new resort with multiple restaurants getting ready to open in November in time for the ski season. Despite the construction, everything was quite walkable in the village and there are hiking trails that start at the base of the mountain. In addition to the restaurants, there are also several shops selling the typical items that you would find in a ski resort area. We were there for a week, so we became friends with the wait staff at a couple of the restaurants including Drafts Burger Bar and Red Tail Grill. It was certainly an enjoyable stay with stunning views of the mountains and the changing leaves.

Mountains Surrounding the Resort
Resort Rooms Overlooking the Courtyard
More Shops and Restaurants
Looking Down at One of the Resorts

Taking the Scenic Crescent Lift to See the Changing Leaves in Park City, Utah

During the summer and autumn months in Park City, there are a few lifts that will take you into the mountains where you can have amazing views. There are less lifts available in the autumn season, but with the leaves changing, it is absolutely stunning. The scenic crescent lift is located at the adventure park with the mountain coaster, alpine slide, and other family activities. The lift is used for transporting mountain bikers and their bikes as well as hikers or those just wanting to enjoy the views to mid-mountain.

Aspens and Burnt Orange Bushes
View Heading Up the Lift
Colorful Hillside
Views of the Valley Below
Alpine Slide Winding Amongst the Trees
It Was a Beautiful Day

Unfortunately for us, to get tickets for the scenic crescent lift you have to wait in the same line as the people getting tickets for all of the other activities at the mountain adventure park, which took us about thirty minutes. Fortunately, once we had our tickets, there was no line to get on the lift and we were quickly on our way up the side of the mountain to enjoy the amazing views. The lines for the other activities were much longer as it was a Saturday and families were taking advantage of everything that the adventure park had to offer.

Can Never Get Enough of Views Like This
Aspens Below Us on the Lift
More Orange Than Golden in Places
Golden Aspen Groves
Mountain Coaster
Looking Off to the Left from the Chair Lift

Unless you decide to hike all of the way down, you take the lift back down to the base of the mountain, which provides a completely different view than those on the way up the mountain. The leaves were still in the process of changing, so there was quite a variety of colors as we we rode the lift and when we walked around after getting off at mid-mountain. Although it was worth the wait in order to get our tickets, we probably would have preferred to go on a weekday had we known about the crowds.

Stunning Views
Vibrant Colors All Around Us
The View of the Steep Descent to the Base
Dense Trees Next to the Lift
People on the Zip Line
Entrance to the Adventure Park
Another View from the Lift
Miniature Golf Course