Isobar Expeditions

The Ravages of Time

One of the most interesting things about traveling to different places is getting to see how places have evolved over time. There is only one constant in life and that is that change is always occurring. Whether it is the growth of certain cities, the collapse of civilizations, or just nature changing the face of the earth. We may get glimpses of the past or perhaps preserve treasured landmarks, but the reality is that change is all around us. Looking back at photos from places that we’ve visited, it seems that there are as many cranes erecting skyscrapers in our photos of historical landmarks as the sights themselves. We might view those as ruining our view of something special, but the reality is that it means that those cities are growing. Hopefully, but not always, that means prosperity for the people of the city and a change for the good. Normally we would do everything possible to keep these cranes out of our pictures, but sometimes it just isn’t possible. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Delta with photographs that symbolize change and the transition of time. Here are some photos that we normally wouldn’t share where the future is in direct conflict with the past.

Sunset in Amsterdam
Rooftops of Lucca
Hercules Statue in Kassel
Florence in Transition
Athens Sunset
Crane in the Background
Morocco Coastline
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